Prima Magistra: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan <p><strong>Prima Magistra : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang menerbitkan artikel-artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian dari Dosen, Peneliti, Guru dan Mahasiswa dari seluruh Indonesia. Fokus dan ruang lingkup artikel yang diterbitkan oleh <strong>Prima Magistra: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan</strong> adalah hasil penelitian dan kajian tentang : Pendidikan Dasar, Pendidikan Menengah, Pendidikan Tinggi (Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Pendidikan Dasar (S2 dan S3)), Pendidikan Karakter berbasis Pendidikan Agama dan PPKn, Pendidikan Non formal, Pendidikan Informal, Pendidikan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, dan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan. Pada awalnya, <strong>Prima Magistra : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan</strong> terbit berkala dua kali dalam satu tahun pada bulan <strong>April</strong> dan bulan <strong>Oktober. </strong>Mulai Tahun 2022 terbit berkala 3 bulanan (4 kali setahun) pada bulan Januari, April, Juli dan Oktober. Prima Magistra: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan telah terakreditasi <strong>SINTA 2</strong> berdasarkan <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Keputusan Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi No. 10/C/C3/DT.05.00/2025</a> Tanggal 21 Maret 2025. <span style="font-weight: bolder;">Prima Magistra: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan has been indexed by:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="left: -10000px !important; position: absolute !important;" src="" alt="" width="150" height="62" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="left: -10000px !important; position: absolute !important;" src="" alt="" width="150" height="62" /></a> <a href=""><img style="left: -10000px !important; position: absolute !important;" src="" /></a></span></p> <center><img src="" alt="" width="55" height="32" /> <a href=";hl" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="120" height="34" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="" width="125" height="28" /> </a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="left: -10000px !important; position: absolute !important;" src="" alt="" width="119" height="41" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="left: -10000px !important; position: absolute !important;" src="" alt="" width="121" height="41" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="100" height="35" /></a><a href=";qt=results_page" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="left: -10000px !important; position: absolute !important;" src="" alt="" width="123" height="36" /></a><a href=";search_text=Prima%20Magistra%3A%20Jurnal%20Ilmiah%20Kependidikan&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search&amp;and_facet_source_title=jour.1389318" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="159" height="28" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="121" height="34" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="98" height="29" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="88" height="33" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="126" height="35" /></a> <a style="background-color: #ffffff;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="90" height="33" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="69" height="64" /></a></center><center></center> Program Studi PGSD Universitas Flores en-US Prima Magistra: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan 2721-8112 EFEKTIVITAS MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING BERBASIS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-SLIDESGO UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIS SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR <p><em>This study aims to examine the effectiveness and impact of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model based on AI-Slidesgo on the mathematical problem-solving abilities of 5th-grade students at SD Negeri 1 Tuk and SD Negeri 1 Dawuan Cirebon for the 2023/2024 academic year. The effectiveness of this study is demonstrated by the increase in the average problem-solving ability of students in the 4 experimental classes, and the impact of this study is shown by the difference in the average problem-solving ability of students in the 4 experimental classes. This research is a quantitative study. Data collection techniques using interviews, tests, questionnaires, and documentation. The sample in this study consisted of 120 students. The collected data were analyzed using effectiveness test statistical analysis, namely the t-test and n-gain test. Hypothesis testing shows that the t-test results indicate a significant result &lt; 0.005, which means there is an improvement in students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. The n-gain test results show a gain in experimental class A of 0.65 with a moderate category; experimental class B 0.66 with a moderate category; experimental class C 0.81 with a high category, and experimental class D 0.73 with a high category. The results of the MANOVA test showed a significance value of 0.000, where 0.000 &lt; 0.05, indicating that the PBL model and slidesgo-based learning media have an effect on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities.</em></p> Mochamad Guntur Amara Salsabilla Siti Sahronih Herisa Hardiyanti Sholeha Copyright (c) 2025 Mochamad Guntur, Amara Salsabilla, Siti Sahronih, Herisa Hardiyanti Sholeha 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 1 11 10.37478/jpm.v6i1.4958 OPTIMIZING LEARNING OUTCOMES THROUGH PROCESS-BASED DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING AT SMA POMOSDA TANJUNGANOM: AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of process-based differentiation learning on student learning outcomes at SMA POMOSDA Tanjunganom. With a quantitative approach using a quasi-experimental research design, this study involved two groups: an experimental group that applied differentiated learning and a control group that used conventional methods. The study results showed that applying process-based differentiated learning can significantly improve student learning outcomes. These findings are expected to contribute to developing more effective learning methods and encourage educators to use a more responsive approach to students' needs. Process-based differentiation learning has a significant favorable influence on student learning outcomes. The research results can also provide educators insight into designing more exciting and adaptive learning strategies.</p> Nur’aini Uswatun Hasanah Suwito Suwito Ika Meviana Wawan Herry Setyawan Copyright (c) 2025 Nur’aini Uswatun Hasanah, Suwito Suwito, Ika Meviana, Wawan Herry Setyawan 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 12 19 10.37478/jpm.v6i1.5144 STRATEGI GURU DALAM MENGINTERNALISASI NILAI-NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL UNTUK PENGUATAN KARAKTER SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR <p><em>The implementation of character education in schools often faces various obstacles, such as the lack of approaches that are aligned with the local cultural context. This study aims to explore the strategies used by teachers in developing students' character in elementary schools through character education based on local wisdom, as well as to analyze the strategies employed and the challenges faced by teachers. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach, with data collection techniques including in-depth interviews, observations, and document studies. The subjects of this study are elementary school teachers who have implemented character education based on local wisdom. The findings of the study indicate that teachers utilize methods such as folktales, local legends, and traditional games to integrate aspects of local wisdom, such as cooperation, honesty, responsibility, and tolerance, into the teaching and learning process. However, teachers face several challenges, including limited learning resources and the lack of training that aids in the implementation of character education based on local wisdom. The findings of this study suggest that character education grounded in local wisdom is effective in shaping students' character according to their culture and supports social learning theory as well as ecological development theory. This study recommends further support from educational stakeholders in providing facilities and training to strengthen the implementation of character education based on local wisdom in elementary schools.</em></p> Ratri Nuryani Qudwatullathifah Tria Aditia Nugraha Cucuh Miftahurrohmah Copyright (c) 2025 Ratri Nuryani Qudwatullathifah, Tria Aditia Nugraha, Cucuh Miftahurrohmah 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 6 1 20 28 10.37478/jpm.v6i1.5235 THE EFFECT OF USING ROLE-PLAY METHOD IN IMPROVING SPEAKING SKILLS OF BASIC LEVEL STUDENTS AT CENTRAL COURSE <p>This article examines the impact of employing the Role-Play method in improving the speaking skills of basic-level English learners in the Central English Course. Speaking a foreign language often presents challenges, particularly for beginner students who lack confidence and opportunities for practical application. Role-play, an interactive teaching strategy, fosters real-world communication by creating scenario-based learning environments, enabling students to engage in language use actively. A quantitative approach was adopted to assess the effectiveness of the Role-Play method. The research involved two groups: an experimental group participated in role-play activities and a control group followed traditional teaching methods. In this study, quantitative data were collected through pre-test and post-test assessments to measure the effectiveness of the Role-Play method in improving students' learning progress in fluency, accuracy, and confidence. This approach enabled precise statistical calculations and pattern identification, providing valuable insights into the impact of the intervention. The findings indicate that the Role-Play method significantly enhances language acquisition, with the experimental group demonstrating greater improvements in EFL students’ speaking skills than the control group. This study underscores the value of integrating interactive and practical approaches into EFL classrooms. Role-play is a useful tool to connect classroom learning with authentic communication experiences, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in meaningful, real-world contexts. This research provides valuable insights into innovative pedagogical methods for foreign language learning.</p> Sarifudin Sarifudin Wawan Herry Setyawan Copyright (c) 2025 Wawan Herry Setyawan, Sarifudin Sarifudin 2025-01-31 2025-01-31 6 1 29 35 10.37478/jpm.v6i1.5190 THE EFFICACY OF TIKTOK SHORT VIDEO TO ELEVATE THE STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT ON THE VOCABULARY LEARNING: THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY IN SMP NEGERI 3 SUTOJAYAN <p>This study aims to investigate the efficacy of TikTok short videos as a tool to improve students' achievement in vocabulary learning at SMP Negeri 3 Sutojayan Blitar. The research employs a pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-test and post-test methodology. A total of 30 seventh-grade students from Class 7A were involved during the period of April to May 2024. Data were collected through a pre-test, a treatment session involving TikTok videos, and a post-test to measure the improvement in students' vocabulary. The analysis was conducted using quantitative methods based on Sugiyono's (2019) framework. The results of the study indicate that the use of TikTok short videos significantly improved students' performance in vocabulary learning. The study concludes that integrating social media platforms such as TikTok can be an effective strategy in vocabulary learning, offering an engaging blend of entertainment and education. The study recommends further research to explore the use of other digital tools in education.</p> Silvi Wahyu Herida Saputri Hesty Puspita Sari Yusniarsi Primasari Supriyono Supriyono Copyright (c) 2025 Silvi Wahyu Herida Saputri, Hesty Puspita Sari, Yusniarsi Primasari, Supriyono Supriyono 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 6 1 36 40 10.37478/jpm.v6i1.4738 DAMPAK PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KRISTEN TERHADAP SIKAP TOLERANSI DAN KEPEDULIAN SOSIAL SISWA <p><em>The influence of Christian religious education needs to be considered, because the approach and curriculum in the lesson can influence students' perceptions and attitudes towards cultural and religious diversity. Through Christian religious education, it can contribute to the character of social concern and the attitude of tolerance of students in schools. The method used is a quantitative approach. The research instrument is a questionnaire that meets the requirements for validity and reliability using a 1-5 Likert scale model. Data analysis used a simple linear regression analysis test and the coefficient of determination (R square) at an alpha significance level of 0.05 using SPSS version 16.01 for Windows. Based on data analysis in the first hypothesis, it is significant at 0.001 &lt; 0.05 and the magnitude of the influence (R square) is 0.171, and in the second hypothesis it is significant at the figure 0.000 &lt; 0.05 and the magnitude of the influence (R square) is 0.338. The research results concluded that there is a significant influence between Christian religious education on attitudes of tolerance, and there is a significant influence between Christian religious education and cocial concern.</em></p> Mariyanti Adu Yandry Diana Dethan Fransiska Y Nggeong Catur Prio Purnomo Runita Charolin Hekneno Copyright (c) 2025 Mariyanti Adu, Yandry Diana Dethan, Fransiska Y Nggeong, Catur Prio Purnomo, Runita Charolin Hekneno 2025-02-02 2025-02-02 6 1 41 49 10.37478/jpm.v6i1.5208