Evaluasi Kinerja Konsultan Pengawas Pada Proyek Jalan Dan Jembatan Di Kabupaten Manggarai
n carrying out work in the field of roads and bridges at the Manggarai Regency Public Works Agency for
Fiscal Year 2020, it is not following contract documents and work specifications, including measurement
results errors, not properly checking the origin and quality of materials, and limited inspection personnel
both in terms of quantity and qualifications. The objectives of this study include: determining the
performance of the Supervisory Consultant and determining the influence of the variable factors of
Understanding Contract Documents, Understanding of Quality of Road Construction Implementation,
Monitoring of Road Construction Work Methods, Monitoring of Measurement Results, Use of Equipment,
Monitoring of Time and Progress of Road Works, Supervision of Application of Study Documents
Environment, Preparation of Meeting Materials, Reporting on Road Work Progress Activities and the
Handover Process of Work Results. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Data were
obtained through interviews with PPK and questionnaires distributed to 20 respondents: Contractors,
Inspectors, Quality Control, and Site Engineers. The results of the analysis are the performance of
supervisory consultants on road and bridge projects in Manggarai Regency in the 2020 fiscal year with a
value of 3.35 and the value of R Square on the coefficient of determination of 0.996 and the most dominant
factor is Supervision of the Implementation of Environmental Study Documents with a regression coefficient
value of 1,443.