Manajemen Risiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pada Pekerja Penambang Pasir Kali Dentunura Kecamatan Nangaroro Kabupaten Nagekeo


  • Yohanes Meo Universitas Flores, Ende, Indonesia
  • Alfridus Gado Universitas Flores, Ende, Indonesia



Sand mining workers are part of the procurement of materials for construction activities, so they need to be
considered because the risk opportunities are quite large. In this study, the risk assessment method uses a
risk assessment matrix. After collecting the data, it is then analyzed to find out how big the risk is to the sand
mining workers of the Ventura River. The results of this study obtained that the risk due to employees
(workers) having received assistance index 6.06, moderate risk category, risk due to accidents to employees
(workers) index 11.34 very high-risk category, risk due to using index tool 11.01 very risk category. high risk,
material, and dust risk index 14.82, including very high-risk category, risk due to bad weather index 12.96,
very high-risk category, risk index due to accidental fracture of legs and arms 7.53, included in the high-risk
category, risk due to helping employees during an accident index 9.60, very high-risk category, risk due to
using personal protection index 5.83, moderate risk category, risk due to explanations related to safety and
health. index 6.36, moderate risk category, risk due to explanation sand excavation technique index 4.47,
moderate risk category. The average index risk index is 8.99 including high risk. In the activities of sand
mining workers and construction work activities, they must first identify and analyze the level of risk.


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isk Management, Occupational Safety and Health (K3), Sand Mining Workers


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How to Cite

Meo, Y., & Gado, A. (2021). Manajemen Risiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pada Pekerja Penambang Pasir Kali Dentunura Kecamatan Nangaroro Kabupaten Nagekeo . TEKNOSIAR, 15(2), 1-9.

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