AGRICA <p><strong>Agrica: Journal of Sustainable Dryland <em>Agriculture </em></strong>is a journal that presents a platform for sharing knowledge in science and technology related to Sustainable Dryland Agriculture. Its studies are agronomy, pest and plant diseases, soil science, agricultural conservation and ecology, organic farming, agrobiodiversity, agrotourism, and permaculture covering the economic aspects of dryland sustainable agricul­ture (agribusiness, agricultural socio-economic, agroindustry), agricultural diversification, land and water conservation, agricultural climate, food security, animal welfare concept, mechanization, science and food technology in a dryland environment</p> en-US <div class="pkp_footer_content"> <p> </p> </div> <div class="pkp_brand_footer" role="complementary"> </div> (Dr. Sriwahyuni) (Charly Mutiara) Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Plant Nutrition in Relation to Water-use Efficiency in Crop Production: A review <p><em>Peningkatan nutrisi tanaman merupakan perhatian global yang penting dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim karena nutrisi tanaman dan kelembaban tanah saling berkaitan. Namun demikian, sumber daya hara dan air tanah yang terbatas masih kurang dimanfaatkan dan efisiensi penggunaannya masih rendah, meskipun terdapat banyak ruang untuk perbaikan di kedua bidang tersebut. Interaksi antara unsur hara dan air bergantung pada tahap pertumbuhan tanaman, jumlah yang diberikan, dan keseimbangan antara kedua fenomena tersebut. Pengelolaan unsur hara yang efektif dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan unsur hara dan air. Pengelolaan pupuk yang bijaksana dapat mengurangi erosi tanah lebih baik dibandingkan tindakan mekanis karena hal ini meningkatkan tutupan vegetasi dan menyediakan bahan organik yang memperbaiki struktur tanah, permeabilitas, dan kapasitas retensi air. Pengelolaan air yang efektif dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan unsur hara dan konversinya dari tanah dan pupuk menjadi tanaman. Untuk meningkatkan hasil melalui efisiensi penggunaan unsur hara dan air, kedua sumber daya tersebut harus dikombinasikan agar dapat berinteraksi secara positif. Menurunnya kesuburan tanah, degradasi lingkungan, dan kekeringan telah mendorong penelitian mengenai dampak interaktif unsur hara dan air terhadap hasil panen. Meskipun terdapat keberhasilan yang signifikan, beberapa tantangan masih perlu diatasi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air dan nutrisi. Oleh karena itu, dalam makalah ini, kami membahas teknik untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan unsur hara dan air dari sudut pandang ketersediaan unsur hara, pergerakan dan distribusi unsur hara, efisiensi penggunaan unsur hara, pengaruh interaktif unsur hara dan air terhadap hasil tanaman melalui pengelolaan unsur hara, kesenjangan, dan prospek masa depan.</em></p> Agbesi Kwadzo Keteku, Patricia Amankwaa Yeboah, Stephen Yeboah, Richard Dormatey, Kennedy Agyeman, Mavis Badu Brempong, Philip Ghanney, Samuel Aduse Poku, Eric Owusu Danquah, Felix Frimpong, Sylvester Addy, Franklin Bosompem, Habibah Aggrey Copyright (c) 2024 Agbesi Kwadzo Keteku, Patricia Amankwaa Yeboah, Stephen Yeboah, Richard Dormatey, Kennedy Agyeman, Mavis Badu Brempong, Philip Ghanney, Samuel Aduse Poku, Eric Owusu Danquah, Felix Frimpong, Sylvester Addy, Franklin Bosompem, Habibah Aggrey Sun, 07 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemetaan Manajemen Rantai Pasok Kerupuk Udang di Kawasan Sungsang II Kabupaten Banyuasin <p><em>Sungsang II villages are the main shrimp-producing areas located in the waters of the Musi River Estuary and South Bangka, South Sumatra Province. Shrimp are processed into various products, and crackers are the superior product. It's just that as a superior local product, until now there has been no research regarding the supply chain for shrimp crackers. This research aimed to map the supply chain management of processed shrimp cracker products in Sungsang II Villages. The research was carried out using a survey method. Thirty participants made up the entire sample, and the sampling procedure employed was multistage sampling. Data analysis uses mathematical, tabulated, and descriptive methods. The research results show that shrimp cracker processing in the Sungsang area is a household-scale industry. The raw material for shrimp comes from breech waters, and the process of making crackers is traditionally done using human labor; drying still uses sunlight; and packaging is done simply with plastic. The price of shrimp raw materials ranges from IDR 15,000 to IDR 25,000 per kg, and processors can process 20 to 30 kg of shrimp raw materials per day. The selling price for shrimp crackers from retailers to consumers is IDR 50,000 per kg. The shrimp cracker supply chain involves fishermen as suppliers of shrimp raw materials, craftsmen who process shrimp into crackers, collecting traders, retailers, and consumers.</em></p> Miftahul Janna, Dessy Adriani, Agustina Bidarti Copyright (c) 2024 Miftahul Janna, Dessy Adriani, Agustina Bidarti Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Pendapatan dan Kelayakan Usaha Kerupuk Udang di Desa Sungsang I dan II Kecamatan Banyuasin II <p><em>Sungsang I and Sungsang II villages are tidal areas because they are located on the coast and directly adjacent to the Bangka strait. Sungsang I Village and Sungsang II Village are one of the areas that have abundant marine products in Banyuasin II Regency, one of which is shrimp which is then processed by the local community into crackers in the form of a cottage industry. Until now, socioeconomic research on the income and feasibility of shrimp cracker business in this region is still scant. The purpose of this study is to analyze the amount of income of shrimp cracker entrepreneurs in Sungsang I and Sungsang II Villages and their business feasibility. The results of this study showed that the business income of shrimp crackers amounted to Rp. 960,837.67 per production or Rp. 23,899.14 per kilogram of shrimp crackers. While the R/C value obtained from the shrimp cracker business is 1.92 (R/C value &gt; 1), which means that the shrimp cracker business in Sungsang I and Sungsang II Villages is feasible to run.</em></p> Desliana Opie Harliani, Mirza Antoni, Dessy Adriani Copyright (c) 2024 Desliana Opie Harliani, Mirza Antoni, Dessy Adriani Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Kelimpahan dan Fluktuasi Populasi Artropoda Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Pada Lahan Sawah Di Kecamatan Cakung, Jakarta Timur <p><em>The status of arthropod diversity and biodiversity in Jakarta is often ignored, so the development of Plant Disturbing Organisms (Pests) is increasing. This has spurred farmers managing rice fields (Oryza sativa L.) to carry out unwise pest control on the remaining 414 hectares of land. The purpose of this study was to determine how the percentage of arthropod abundance based on order and fluctuations in arthropod populations on several rice fields in Cakung District, East Jakarta, and as information material in pest control based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) that is appropriate in the field. The method used in this research is non-experimental with a direct survey method in the rice fields of the Maju Bersama (MB), Ujung Menteng (UM), dan Sawah Abadi (SA) in the vegetative planting phase until the harvest of rice plants. From the findings, the highest percentage of arthropod abundance was found in the order Diptera (36.73%), Araneae (19.45%), Hymenoptera (14.20%), Hemiptera (14.03%), Coleoptera (9, 32%), Lepidoptera (4.75%), Odonata (0.73%), Orthoptera (0.57%), Thysanoptera (0.07%), Heteroptera (0.05%), Dermaptera (0.05%), Isoptera (0.03%), and Psocodea (0.02%). Fluctuations in arthropod populations during one growing season increased starting from 6 - 8 MST, this is thought to be due to the use of various types of synthetic and sustainable pesticides that can affect the diversity of arthropods in rice fields. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct further research on the resistance level of pest arthropods to synthetic pesticides in rice fields.</em></p> Fauzan Alwi, Lutfi Afifah, Satriyo Restu Adhi, Dodin Koswanudin Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzan Alwi, Lutfi Afifah, Satriyo Restu Adhi, Dodin Koswanudin Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Tata Letak Sistem Irigasi Tetes dan Jenis Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa var. Chinensis L.) <p><em>Irrigation is the most important part of plant cultivation to meet the water needs for plant growth and yield. However, irrigation is a common problem in dryland areas. The drip irrigation system is an alternative to solve the problem of water droplets that can improve water use efficiency. One consideration when using drip irrigation is designing the irrigation layout so that the water supply to each plant is uniform. This study evaluated two layout layouts of drip irrigation systems for pok choi plants (Brassica rapa var. chinensis L.) with different </em><em>planting media. The method used a split-plot design with 2 factors. Variation of drip irrigation system (V) was the main plot which consists of 2 levels, namely variation 1 (V1) and variation 2 (V2). Media type (M) served as a subplot comprised of 3 levels, namely soil (M0), soil+charcoal husk (M1), and soil+cocopeat (M2). The feasibility of these two drip irrigation system designs included drip discharge values, water uniformity coefficient, water distribution uniformity, and storage efficiency. Based on the evaluation of the feasibility of drip irrigation system design, design 1 (V1) gave better values for the average value of drip discharge (0.16 l/minute), uniformity coefficient (99.71%), uniformity of water supply (82.11%), and storage efficiency (73.89 %). The layout of the drip irrigation had a significant effect on the height of pok choi plants on 1 and 2 WAP.</em></p> Jamilatun Nisa, Yayu Romdhonah, Imas Rohmawati, Sri Ritawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jamilatun Nisa, Yayu Romdhonah, Imas Rohmawati, Sri Ritawati Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Karakteristik Biologi dan Preferensi Pakan Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) pada Berbagai Jenis Pakan <p>Fall Armyworm (<em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em>) is one of the invasive insect species that cause yield loss in corn crops. This pest can attack other crops, such as food crops, vegetables, legumes, and weeds. This research aims to determine the host suitability of <em>S. frugiperda</em> on several types of host plants. The method used was an experimental method with a single-factor completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of four treatments in five replications using four different types of host plants: maize (<em>Zea mays</em> L.), soybean (<em>Glycine</em> <em>max</em> L.), papaya (<em>Carica papaya</em> L.), and chinese kale (<em>Brassica oleraceae</em> var. <em>acephala</em>). The highest percentage of <em>S. frugiperda</em> attack intensity in the choice test was obtained in the treatment with chinese kale leaves (70%) and the lowest in the papaya leaves treatment (20%). In the feeding activity of 3rd instar larvae, the treatment of maize leaves and soybean leaves showed the fastest feeding activity at 11:00 and 12:00, while in the feeding activity of 4th instar larvae, the treatment of maize leaves and chinese kale leaves showed a fast larval feeding activity with a feeding duration of ± 5-10 minutes. Fall Armyworm can also attack other host plants such as soybeans and chinese kale. It can even endure by feeding on papaya leaves, which are typically used as a botanical pesticide. It is essential to step up surveillance against this pest because there are so many additional possible hosts for it.</p> Vania Utami Hidayah, Lutfi Afifah, Tatang Surjana, Vani Nur Oktaviany Subagyo Copyright (c) 2024 Vania Utami Hidayah, Lutfi Afifah, Tatang Surjana, Vani Nur Oktaviany Subagyo Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Kandungan Fosfor dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Pada Ultisol Akibat Pemberian Biochar Dan Pupuk Kandang <p>Ultisol is a type of soil that is not very fertile but is commonly used for agriculture. The research aimed to gather information about how the application of rice husk biochar and cow manure, either separately or combined, would affect soil phosphorus levels, the uptake of phosphorus by spring corn plants (Zea mays saccaratha L.), and the weight of the plants when they are wet and when they are dried. The study used a 4x3 Factorial Randomized Block Design, with four levels of biochar and three levels of cow manure, followed by an analysis of variance. The research location is situated at an altitude of around 33 meters above sea level (masl) with soil acidity (pH) ranging from 5.5 to 6.5, and characterized by Ultisol soil type. The parameters observed included soil phosphorus levels, phosphorus uptake by plant stems and leaves, wet weight and oven-dried weight of plant stems and leaves, and wet weight of harvested cobs. The results of the study showed that applying rice husk biochar and manure as single treatments did not have a significant effect on increasing soil phosphorus availability, plant phosphorus uptake, wet weight and dry weight of plant stems and leaves, or baby corn production. However, there was a tendency for each observation parameter to show some improvement</p> Parlindungan Lumbanraja, Mika Lidia Nababan, Irwan Siagian, Benjamin Surya Limbong Copyright (c) 2024 Parlindungan Lumbanraja, Mika Lidia Nababan, Irwan Siagian, Benjamin Surya Limbong Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemetaan Penggunaan Lahan Pertanian di Kota Kupang menggunakan Penginderaan Jauh <p><em>Every year, the districts and city of Agriculture Services in the Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) province report the area of agricultural land use to the NTT Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Service. The agricultural land area was measured manually by the field officers of the City and Districts of Agriculture Services. This research aims to map and measure the area of agricultural land use using remote sensing. Kupang City was used as a case study location. The remote sensing data used in this research was Landsat-9 satellite imageries from the U.S. Geological Survey in August 2022. These images were then classified based on classes paddy rice fields, non paddy rice fields, and nonagricultural fields. The classification was carried out using the Random Forest algorithm on QGIS software. This classification was based on the training sites of each land use type in Kupang City taken with GPS. The result of the research is a map of agricultural land use in Kupang City. This research shows that remote sensing allows the NTT provincial Agriculture and Food Security Service to determine the location and calculate the area of the agricultural land use in the NTT Province region quickly and accurately without a field survey. To map the agricultural land use in NTT more effectively using remote sensing, the Landsat image should be selected on the planting time. In addition, it is very important to ensure that the area on the administrative map used to crop the Landsat image corresponds to the actual area.</em></p> <p> </p> Frederika Rambu Ngana Copyright (c) 2024 Frederika Rambu Ngana Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Eksplorasi Jamur Entomopatogen, Dari Beberapa Rizosfer Tanah, Dengan Insect Bait Method <p><em>This study aims to identify the types of entomopathogenic fungi obtained from the exploration results of the insect bait method in rhizosphere soil samples from several locations in the </em><em>Bedugul area</em><em>, Bali. The exploration results showed differences among the three soil samples, where the Pakcoy cultivation soil sample showed infected insect baits with Metarhizium sp. fungi. In contrast, in the Danau Buyan and Bedugul Botanical Garden soil samples, symptoms of infestation </em><em>were not infected by fungi</em><em>. Koch's postulate test confirmed the presence of entomopathogenic fungi in the Pakcoy cultivation soil sample, which was later identified morphologically and microscopically as Metarhizium. This study contributes to understanding the ecology of entomopathogenic fungi in the context of biological pest control, especially in sustainable agriculture.</em></p> I Putu Sudiarta, Raditya Darmawan Syahbana , Ketut Ayu Yuliadhi, I Putu Wirya Suputra, I Wayan Diksa Gargita Copyright (c) 2024 I Putu Sudiarta, Raditya Darmawan Syahbana , Ketut Ayu Yuliadhi, I Putu Wirya Suputra, I Wayan Diksa Gargita Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700