Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024-09-23T22:50:15+07:00 Gregorius Sebo Bito Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat </strong>merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel laporan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh para dosen bidang pendidikan maupun bidang lain atau kelompok-kelompok masyarakat berbentuk penyuluhan, pendampingan, bimbingan teknis, dan jenis kegiatan lain yang relevan dengan : (1) Pendidikan dan Pelatihan; (2) Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; (3) Olahraga &amp; Kesehatan; (4) Ilmu Pengetahuan &amp; Tekonologi; (5) Parawisata &amp; Seni; (6) Sosial Budaya; (7) Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan; (8) Agama dan Hukum; (9) Pertanian dan lain-lain. Terbit 4x setahun yaitu pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember. Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat diterbitkan oleh <strong>Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende. </strong><strong>Terakreditasi <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta dengan Peringkat 4</a></strong> <strong>(Mulai Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021 sampai Volume 5 Nomor 4 Tahun 2025)</strong> berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi <strong>Nomor 79/E/KPT/2023</strong>, tanggal 11 Mei 2023 tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah periode I Tahun 2023</p> Lokakarya Pembuatan Buku Cerita Tema Matematika Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar 2024-05-22T17:03:56+07:00 Fatrima Santri Syafri Feity Aisya Dela Nupita Ramadanniya <p><em>Education in Indonesia plays a crucial role in shaping children’s character and skills, and numeracy literacy is an important aspect in this process. A workshop on creating mathematical picture story books for teachers at Fatma Kenanga Elementary School was held to provide solutions to the challenges of creating an engaging literate learning environment. Mathematical picture story books are recognized as an effective tool for developing numeracy literacy skills and stimulating children’s critical thinking skills. However, the difficulty teachers have in finding mathematical picture story books that meet the criteria of the reading level motivated the holding of this workshop. The workshop aimed to provide understanding and skills to teachers at Fatma Kenanga Elementary School in creating mathematical picture story books that meet the needs of children. Through the PAR method, this workshop provided practical and creative guidance for teachers. The results showed an increase in teacher creativity in designing stories, applying simple illustration techniques, and integrating moral values into picture stories and producing mathematical picture story books. Although the workshop provided a strong foundation, some teachers felt the need for further development. Recommendations for follow-up include additional workshops, individual coaching, and online resources to continue improving teacher skills. In conclusion, this workshop made a positive contribution in supporting teachers of Fatma Kenanga Elementary School in creating a positive and engaging literacy learning environment.</em></p> 2024-08-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fatrima Santri Syafri, Feity Aisya, Dela Nupita Ramadanniya Pengenalan Metode Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Fun Learning di Pondok Pesantren 2024-06-04T15:26:29+07:00 Nushrotun Nida Nurohman Nurohman Titim Siti Fatimah Faiz Azhari Agus Riyadi <p><em>Arabic language teaching in schools is still considered boring, parents' dissatisfaction with students' Arabic language skills is caused by inappropriate teaching methods. This activity aims to introduce the Fun Learning Arabic teaching method to the students of Nurul Huda Tasikmalaya Islamic boarding school. The method used in this activity is the grounded theory method. SDA conducted field observations to identify the problems of teaching methods in Nurul Huda boarding school and offered solutions by discussing the fun learning method programme. The delivery of the fun learning method teaching was carried out with a seminar or talk show model with the audience of Nurul Huda boarding school students. The results of this activity explain that the fun learning method is a solution to boring learning. In practice, there are several models of fun learning methods that can be applied in teaching Arabic, namely the hikayat (storytelling) model, ghina (singing), and takhminul lughah (guessing). The hikayat (storytelling) model in the fun learning method can be applied in teaching Arabic for maharah istima, the ghina (singing) model can be applied in teaching Arabic to memorise mufradat, and the Takhminul lughah (guessing) model can be applied in teaching Arabic for maharatul qiraah and istima'.</em></p> 2024-08-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nushrotun Nida, Nurohman Nurohman, Titim Siti Fatimah, Faiz Azhari, Agus Riyadi Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan dan Teknologi Keuangan Terhadap Masyarakat Pedesaan 2024-08-09T07:33:51+07:00 Novia Utami Teresia Angelia Kusumahadi <p><em>Kelor Village in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, is an agrarian village where the majority of the population works as farmers. However, the low level of education in this village has led to very limited financial literacy among the community. This issue is crucial because many villagers struggle to manage their income from agriculture, making it difficult for them to budget, save, or invest wisely. As a result, the economic well-being of the community has not significantly improved. Additionally, limited access to formal financial institutions forces many residents to keep their money at home, which poses a risk. To address this problem, enhancing financial literacy and promoting the use of financial technology (fintech) are necessary. This training aims to provide better understanding of financial literacy and encourage the use of fintech among the people of Kelor Village. Although some community members already have a basic understanding of financial literacy, many do not regularly record their finances and lack a full grasp of the concepts and benefits of fintech. The educational program implemented has successfully improved the community’s understanding; however, the implementation in daily life still needs reinforcement. The results of this program show that those who received education are better at managing their finances and more open to using financial technology. Therefore, it is recommended to expand the educational program with more easily understood and relevant materials, as well as providing practical training to encourage the use of financial technology. Additionally, improving access to formal financial services and empowering community groups are crucial to ensuring the sustainability of the program. Through this approach, the people of Kelor Village are expected to be better prepared to face economic uncertainties and improve their financial well-being.</em></p> 2024-08-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Novia Utami, Teresia Angelia Kusumahadi Pelatihan Praktikum Bioteknologi Sederhana: Pembuatan Kombucha untuk Guru Biologi MGMP Kota Yogyakarta 2024-08-09T07:14:46+07:00 Puspita Ratna Susilawati Maria Esterlita Beto Ladjar Robertus Bangkit Pamungkas Intan Putri Hapsari Luisa Diana Handoyo Yoanni Maria Lauda Feroniasanti <p><em>Biology education in secondary schools faces challenges in implementing practical work that is relevant to the learning material, one of which is biotechnology. Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Kota Yogyakarta, or the Yogyakarta Biology Teacher Working Group, has identified an urgent need for training in a biotechnology experiment that is simple, applicable, and takes place in the context of school and community learning. This Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) or Community Service Activities provided an innovative solution in the form of applicable kombucha-making training for biotechnology-supported practical learning. The goal of this activity was to improve the Biology Teacher Working Group's ability to implement appropriate kombucha-making training to support the biotechnology learning experience. This activity was carried out using a training method. The training participants were 22 teachers from 10 schools around Yogyakarta. The implementation of the training included delivering materials, practicing making kombucha, and collecting data. The data collection instruments included test questions and questionnaires. The PkM activity of simple biotechnology practical training through making kombucha for the biology teachers of MGMP Kota Yogyakarta was successfully implemented following the objectives, namely improving the teachers’ competence in terms of knowledge and skills, especially in carrying out biotechnology experiments. The teachers' training provided them with theoretical and practical knowledge about making kombucha, as well as kombucha's benefits, which could be applied in the contexts of education and society. The training also met the partners' expectations, specifically by providing alternative practical themes that were part of the learning materials and could be implemented in schools with limited resources. The next step in this PkM activity is to collaborate with MGMP partners to organize simple and applicable practical training, so that the training's impact is greater. Practical training can be a way for universities to help teachers improve their skills.</em></p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Puspita Ratna Susilawati, Maria Esterlita Beto Ladjar, Robertus Bangkit Pamungkas, Intan Putri Hapsari, Luisa Diana Handoyo, Yoanni Maria Lauda Feroniasanti Pendekatan Community Based Tourism (CBT) Dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan 2024-08-09T07:19:14+07:00 Eka Nurwahyuliningsih Lishapsari Prihatini Indah Pusnita M Hilmy Itisham Andrian Fanagung <p><em>Community Based Tourism is an approach used in community-based tourism development activities. Active community participation is the main key to the success of this activity. The purpose of community service activities is to help develop Wicker Village into a sustainable tourism village. Implementation methods include planning, preparation including observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Implementation and Evaluation. The results show that tourism development carries the concept of educational tour activities in Kampung Anyaman, this has a positive impact on tourism development in the local area as Kampung Anyaman still maintains local cultural wisdom, and the community participates actively from the beginning of the activity to the end, tour participants are certainly enthusiastic about participating in every activity where participants gain new knowledge and skills about woven crafts and the process of making nipah cigarettes, activity participants feel a pleasant experience when using a boat across the Musi River. Furthermore, this activity does not stop here but the need for efforts to provide training to local communities regarding tourism management and management, as well as support from various parties to support Kampung Anyaman to become a tourist destination known by all tourists both local and foreign.</em></p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Nurwahyuliningsih, Lishapsari Prihatini, Indah Pusnita, M Hilmy Itisham, Andrian Fanagung Collaborative Governance dalam Pemberdayaan UMKM Melalui Pemanfaatan Potensi Alam Menuju Sustainable Tourism di Desa Wisata Taro Kabupaten Gianyar 2024-04-10T23:57:03+07:00 Komang Adi Sastra Wijaya I Putu Dharmanu Yudartha Ni Putu Anik Prabawati Juwita Pratiwi Lukman Sang Ayu Nyoman Sinta Dewi Ni Wayan Riani <p><em>Taro Village is located in Tegallalang District, Gianyar Regency, which has quite a lot of natural potential that is in demand by tourists and has developed rapidly since it was designated as a Tourism Village in 2017. Taro Tourism Village can be said to be a tourism village that has implemented sustainable tourism. This can be seen from its implementation which tends to emphasize the sustainability aspect. However, the management of the natural potential of Taro Village leaves various gaps of opportunity that have not been utilized by the community, reflected in the absence of typical products of Taro Tourism Village. In carrying out community service activities, namely empowerment targeting the Taro Village Women Farmers Group and MSMEs through the utilization of the natural potential of Taro Village. Collaborative governance practices are carried out by involving three actors, namely the government, the community and the private sector. First, collaboration involving the government through the Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) Sarwada Amertha. Second, the role of the community as a group that is empowered so that they can produce a valuable product and can support sustainable tourism in Taro Tourism Village. We involve the private sector by visiting industries engaged in tourism, such as lodging and resorts that have the potential for us to collaborate with.</em></p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Komang Adi Sastra Wijaya, I Putu Dharmanu Yudartha, Ni Putu Anik Prabawati, Juwita Pratiwi Lukman, Sang Ayu Nyoman Sinta Dewi, Ni Wayan Riani Pelatihan dan Pemanfaatan Dashboard Pengelolaan Persediaan pada Peralatan Penunjang Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar 2024-06-04T15:38:46+07:00 Prafajar Suksessanno Muttaqin Seto Sumargo Yodi Nurdiansyah Muhammad Ferdin Hanny Luzainnisa Syifa Intan Sukmawati <p><em>Education is a shared responsibility among families, the government, and the community. Every child has the right to receive good education, including moral education, social education, emotional education, intellectual education, and skill education. TK Negeri Pembina 1 is one of the public kindergartens located in North Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, West Java. TK Negeri Pembina is managed and directly supervised by the Bekasi Regency Education Office. The current issue faced is the disparity between the planned and actual quantities of teaching aids used in teaching and learning activities. For instance, consumable items like paper, markers, colored pencils, and other teaching aids. This disruption affects the teaching and learning process, ranging from restructuring groups and the number of student members to teachers purchasing items outside the established mechanism, resulting in increasing additional costs. Based on this issue, the community service team of the Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics or Digital Supply Chain program, where inventory management and information system design are areas of study, aims to contribute to society. The method used in this community service activity employs a training approach, where information, skills, or knowledge are conveyed to school teachers, the participants of the training. The hope is that this community service activity can provide benefits such as effective and efficient management of teaching aids inventory and transparency. The result of the community service activity is the improvement of the educational implementers' abilities in managing the inventory of teaching aids.</em></p> 2024-09-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Prafajar Suksessanno Muttaqin, Seto Sumargo, Yodi Nurdiansyah, Muhammad Ferdin, Hanny Luzainnisa, Syifa Intan Sukmawati Pelatihan Jurnalistik Berbasis Majalah Digital bagi Para Pengurus OSIS di Sekolah 2024-08-09T07:29:46+07:00 Dhea Ayuning Tias Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi <p><em>Journalism if applied to the world of education will be increasingly relevant. SMP Plus Darul Arham, which was only established in 2020, when viewed from the concept of education, has shortcomings in the form of the absence of communication media such as mading or bulletins which should be a forum for student creativity as well as a means of publication at school. So, journalistic training is recommended in this school with the aim of providing an overview of how the application of journalism with a digital magazine base is carried out. With a journalistic approach consisting of finding information, processing information and then publishing the results of their work, in the process team-based projects are also used with the intention that students are trained to be able to learn and understand the situation of the conditions and the final target that has been given. As a result, students were enthusiastic about the assignment and the final magazine project. Marked by the increase in student initiative in interviews as well as the increase in student creativity when inputting news into the digital magazine rubric that has been provided. In order for students to continue to develop their creativity, the partners are motivated to further equip facilities for this to happen. Other long-term benefits that can be used as suggestions from this training also provide an idea to collaborate with certain subjects so that the school magazine as a bridge of information as well as school promotion can continue to run, which is also in line with the Merdeka curriculum which has a pro-school program.</em></p> 2024-09-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dhea Ayuning Tias, Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi Pelatihan Pembuatan Short Movie untuk Kreativitas Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Atas 2024-08-09T18:23:44+07:00 Rizal Nurdiyatnika Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi <p><em>The development of cinema today is quite numerous and varied with various types of films, such as short movies or commonly called short films that can be made by various groups ranging from young people to adults. Making a short movie or short film is a film that has a shorter duration so that it is not too difficult to make compared to a long film so that many people make it. SMAN 8 Garut is one of the schools that requires its students to make a short movie or short film as the final assignment of the students in class XII, but they are not equipped with a deeper understanding of short movie making considering that this school is not oriented towards vocational broadcasting and film like SMK. In order to overcome this problem, the film activist community Framemograph collaborated with students from the extracurricular Photography SMAN 8 Garut to create a short movie making training for students of SMAN 8 Garut. The purpose of this service is to equip students with knowledge and skills in making short movies or short films properly and correctly. This service method uses training with several stages including observation, preparation, and implementation. The results showed success where students were very active in asking questions to solve their problems or concerns in the process of making short movies or short films. Based on this success, it is hoped that students can apply the understanding they get in making short movies or short films later.</em></p> 2024-09-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rizal Nurdiyatnika, Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah melalui Gerakan Mengubur Sampah 2024-08-09T07:23:26+07:00 Yulius Evan Christian <p><em>Indonesia, the world's second-largest waste producer, is experiencing significant impacts on ecosystems and human health due to the discharge of industrial and household waste, including hazardous waste into rivers. Immediate action is needed to prevent further environmental damage. The purpose of this community service is to increase community understanding regarding the importance of processing waste into something useful and of high selling value. This activity was held at the residence of the Chairman of RT.003, Village, Bekasi Regency. The target partners of this activity are 34 villagers. The implementation of socialization uses the method of presenting material using PowerPoint slides and practices on how to make or process organic waste. Before the presentation, the villagers filled out the attendance list, were given a pre-test, and after the presentation of the material, a post-test was conducted to find out the level of understanding of the villagers about the material presented. After data processing is carried out to see whether there is an increase in knowledge or not after filling out the pre-test and post-test, it is obtained that there is a meaningful change or there is an influence from the activities given, namely, after being given socialization, there is a change and the community becomes aware of the socialization material and the activities given, judging from the results of data processing, namely the results of Fcalung &gt; Ftabel were obtained, namely 33.78 &gt; 4.41. So it was concluded that there were meaningful changes before and after the activity. The follow-up to this service is that it needs longer monitoring so that the impact is more visible.</em></p> 2024-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yulius Evan Christian Pelatihan Pembuatan Penyedap Rasa dan Kerupuk melalui Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Udang dalam Upaya Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Keluarga 2024-08-27T15:40:49+07:00 Rostika Flora Windi Indah Fajar Ningsih Indah Yuliana Sari Bema Ramdika Dwi Inda Sari Siti Rachmi Indahsari Ahmad Adi Suhendra Purna Irawan <p><em>Shrimp shells are not just waste but has many health and economic benefits. Shrimp is a marine product that is widely produced in Dusun Sembilang Banyuasin, but the people there do not know yet how to utilize and manage shrimp waste so that shrimp shells only become waste, pollute the environment and can cause disease. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer information regarding the utilization of shrimp shell waste. The method used in this community service is to provide training in the utilization of shrimp shell waste into flavorings and crackers with a target of 25 mothers. The purpose of this activity is so that shrimp shell waste can become a product that can be sold and become income for families so that it can increase family food security. This activity was part of the Kedaireka activity with partner PT Pertamina RU III which was carried out in July 2024 in Dusun Sembilang Banyuasin. The results of this activity were that the mothers were very enthusiastic in practicing making shrimp shells into flavorings and crackers. The flavoring from shrimp shells and shrimp shell crackers have a savory taste. Evaluation of this activity requires applied technology in drying shrimp skin and crackers because conventional drying (with the sun) is very dependent on the weather.</em></p> 2024-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rostika Flora, Windi Indah Fajar Ningsih, Indah Yuliana, Sari Bema Ramdika, Dwi Inda Sari, Siti Rachmi Indahsari, Ahmad Adi Suhendra, Purna Irawan Pendampingan Guru Sekolah Dasar dalam Mengembangkan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sikka melalui Model Project Based Learning 2024-08-09T07:11:07+07:00 Marianus Yufrinalis Sri Sulystyaningsih Natalia Daeng Tiring Sukarman Hadi Jaya Putra Yonas Klemens Gregorius Dori Gobang Agustina Fausta Elisabeth Lusia Rahel <p><em>Community Service Activities (PkM) in the form of workshops and mentoring to teachers at SDK 025 Kloangrotat, are based on the problems faced by teachers at the school. Most teachers only teach fixated on textbooks provided by the government. Teachers lack innovation and development of teaching materials, especially integrating the values of local wisdom of Sikka Regency into teaching materials. The purpose of this activity is to increase teachers' understanding of the concept of developing teaching materials based on local wisdom and their skills in designing application-based teaching materials. The implementation method is in the form of socialization, training, and mentoring for teachers. The result of this activity is that all teachers can understand the concept of developing teaching materials based on local wisdom and are able to design their own teaching materials based on the Canva-Pro application. Activities can have a further impact by encouraging teachers to always develop their abilities while being accompanied continuously by instructors or learning experts.</em></p> 2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marianus Yufrinalis, Sri Sulystyaningsih Natalia Daeng Tiring, Sukarman Hadi Jaya Putra, Yonas Klemens Gregorius Dori Gobang, Agustina Fausta, Elisabeth Lusia Rahel Penguatan UMKM Produk Herbal melalui Penerapan Proses Produk Halal dan Pemasaran Digital 2024-08-09T07:35:40+07:00 Diah Agustina Prihastiwi Erni Puji Astutik <p><em>The decades-old herbal products are one of the potentials owned by Trasan Village, Bandongan District, Magelang Regency. Because of the products’ perceived efficacy, their longevity is assured. The products have not received halal certification, thus one of the issues these businesses face is that marketing is still done by going door-to-door. Thus far, halal goods and equipment have been used in the traditional production of herbal products. On the other hand, the UMKM owners will have more chances to grow the marketing network if the products have received halal certification. Additionally, the owners hope to grow their company by reaching a larger market with herbal items. Thus, to increase market penetration, digital marketing training is required. This community service program aims to support traditional herbal product producers with digital marketing and the implementation of the halal product process. Giving training and supervision on the halal certification procedure for UMKM owners and the usage of suitable digital marketing constitutes this community service. Partners receive training on the benefits of registering halal items, the necessity of a halal product certification process, and how to use digital marketing tools. Herbal product entrepreneurs can identify and fulfil the requirements for the halal product process and implement marketing strategies by using digital media with the help of the training and mentorship programs offered. The result of this program showed an increase in the quantity and value of the products. Sales of herbal products have now spread to Yogyakarta due to the increasingly wide marketing area and increasing customer trust in the quality and halal-ness of the products.</em></p> 2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Agustina Prihastiwi, Erni Puji Astutik Literasi Digital: Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi Berkomunikasi Frater Pasionis Melalui Media Digital 2024-03-10T18:48:33+07:00 Pius Pandor Robertus Wijanarko Aditya Nirwana Sekundus Septo Pigang Ton Oswaldus Dagur <p>Digital literacy is crucial for enhancing communication skills in the technology era. Through digital literacy, Pasionis "Gen Z" are encouraged to improve their communication abilities by becoming adept in digital media. However, based on the initial situation analysis conducted by the Community Service Team (2023), it shows that Pasionis "Gen Z" still lack awareness of the importance of digital literacy. The issues faced by Pasionis "Gen Z" include a lack of awareness about the importance of digital literacy, weak digital communication skills, minimal facilities supporting digital literacy programs, insufficient knowledge on how to enhance communication intelligence through digital media, and a lack of guidance in digital communication. Solutions to these problems involve conducting outreach and workshops to raise awareness about the importance of digital literacy, providing training on how to communicate through digital media, supplying facilities and infrastructure to support digital literacy programs, enhancing knowledge in developing communication intelligence through digital media, and offering guidance in digital communication training programs. The methods used include socialization, training, technology application, guidance, evaluation, and program sustainability. The community service activities were successfully and smoothly carried out, involving responsive Pasionis "Gen Z". The results of the digital literacy seminar demonstrate an improvement in understanding and skills among Pasionis "Gen Z" in becoming proficient in digital media communication.</p> 2024-09-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pius Pandor, Robertus Wijanarko, Aditya Nirwana, Sekundus Septo Pigang Ton, Oswaldus Dagur Pemberdayaan Paguyuban “Watubonang” dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Wisata Alam Ngeliban dengan Model BRANTAS 2024-08-24T22:01:02+07:00 Anita Reta Kusumawijayanti Yusniarsi Primasari Sri Lestanti Laili Neni Susanti Salsa Billa Dewi Mahmudi <p><em>This Community Service Activity (PKM) aims to empower the Watubonang Community as the implementer of Ngeliban natural tourism in Minggirsari Village, Blitar Regency in improving Ngeliban natural tourism services through the implementation of the Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly, Local Wisdom, Traditional, and Social Media Awareness (BRANTAS) Model. This model integrates various aspects of community empowerment, including training, resource management, and social media-based promotion of natural tourism. The service implementation method involves a participatory approach by actively involving community members in each stage of model implementation, including 1) socialization and training on the BRANTAS ecotourism model, 2) Video Content Creation Training, and 3) Digital Marketing Training. The PKM results show that the implementation of the BRANTAS Model has succeeded in improving the quality of tourism services by increasing the product knowledge of ngeliban tour guides as indicated by the results of the training questionnaire responses which are quite good, 97% understand the BRANTAS ecotourism model. This activity has also increased community participation in promotions via social media, as demonstrated by the increase in Minggirsari village Instagram followers from 1179 to 1221 followers. In conclusion, this PKM was able to have a positive impact on the Watubonang community of Minggirsari Village, Blitar Regency, and the BRANTAS model can be a reference for developing nature-based tourism in other areas.</em></p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anita Reta Kusumawijayanti, Yusniarsi Primasari, Sri Lestanti, Laili Neni Susanti, Salsa Billa Dewi Mahmudi Perkembangan Sensori Motorik Siswa Sekolah Dasar melalui Pelatihan Seni Tari Tradisional 2024-08-24T19:55:20+07:00 Ratri Nuryani Qudwatullathifah Herisa Hardiyanti Sholeha Tria Aditia Nugraha Zakiyah Ismuwardani Julia Azzahra <p><em>Sensory-motor development is an important aspect in children's growth and development, including the ability to receive, process and respond to various stimuli from the environment. One way that can be used to develop this ability is through dance practice. The aim of this activity is to develop and improve the sensory-motor abilities of elementary school students through traditional dance training. The methods used are training, demonstration and staging methods. Stages of activity results include: (1) introduction to dance and basic movements; (2) basic movement exercises with rhythmic variations; (3) coordination training by adding hand movements and steps; (4) dance exercises involving balance and flexibility movements; (5) practicing expressions according to dance movements; (6) group dance cohesiveness training; (7) repeating dance practice movements; (8) performing the dance that has been learned in front of friends and parents. The conclusion of this activity is that there is development of elementary school students' sensory-motor abilities through traditional dance training.</em></p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratri Nuryani Qudwatullathifah, Herisa Hardiyanti Sholeha, Tria Aditia Nugraha, Zakiyah Ismuwardani, Julia Azzahra Seputik Sekar Cakap: Upaya Mengedukasi Perempuan dalam Pemenuhan Gizi Balita sebagai Langkah Pencegahan Stunting 2024-08-09T07:17:03+07:00 Liana Afza Farzana Reni Rahmawati Winasti Rahma Diani <p><em>The women's school in Pucungroto Village uses a non-formal curriculum to establish women's ability level in knowledge and skills to minimize the level of stunting rates in Pucungroto Village. Pucungroto Village was the choice of the PPK Ormawa Himaprodi PBSI Team to carry out a women's school program which aims to empower the Pucungroto Village community for women through the Seputik Sekar program, especially in terms of health and nutrition. The development of women in Pucungroto Village uses several methods, including location surveys, identifying community needs, pioneering partnerships with various parties outside the village, developing a curriculum involving stakeholders, carrying out outreach activities, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages. Coaching and mentoring is carried out directly and actively for the women of Pucungroto Village. Involvement of partners and agencies to support program sustainability, and evaluation using a Likert scale to assess the level of knowledge and satisfaction of targets, so as to obtain data on increasing women's understanding and skills in aspects of health and nutrition. The hope of the Seputik Sekar Cakap program is that it will be a sustainable activity which can later be carried out with PKK mothers, partners, and students or PPK Ormawa activity activists who are able to improve and provide something new as an effort to improve the welfare of the Pucungroto Village community.</em></p> 2024-09-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Liana Afza Farzana, Reni Rahmawati, Winasti Rahma Diani Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Aplikasi Android Berbasis Smart APPS Creator untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Inovasi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-08-27T15:57:53+07:00 Ani Nur Aeni Dadan Djuanda Kusman Rukmana Marwan Maulana Kamal Aramdan Akbar Achmad Nurul Hafidz Muhammad Dzikri Ajri Al-Faridzi <p><em>The ability of teachers to make digital learning tools is one of the competencies that must be mastered, namely pedagogic competence and professional competence. Elementary Islamic Religious Education teachers must be able to create innovative learning media as a necessity for teaching in this digital era. Improving teachers' innovation abilities can be done independently or officially through training. The training on making SAC learning media is one of the efforts to increase teacher innovation. This training was attended by 44 participants consisting of elementary Islamic Religious Education teachers in Sumedang. The training lasted for 32 hours of learning which was carried out in offline and online mode. Through this training, the results of elementary school Islamic Religious Education teachers were obtained: 1) able to improve their innovation ability in making learning media armed with training materials about Applications as learning media and application design materials, 2) able to use SAC to make android application learning media armed with instructions from instructors during online meetings, training modules volumes 1-7 and video tutorials for making SAC-based android applications. Through this training, it can be recommended to teachers to improve the ability to innovate in learning, one of which is by mastering SAC as an application to create android application learning media.</em></p> 2024-09-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ani Nur Aeni, Dadan Djuanda, Kusman Rukmana, Marwan Maulana, Kamal Aramdan Akbar, Achmad Nurul Hafidz, Muhammad Dzikri Ajri Al-Faridzi Pelatihan Echogreen Pemanfaatan Limbah Daun Kopi menjadi Teh Celup Daun Kopi 2024-09-23T22:50:15+07:00 Masyadi Masyadi Amrial Amrial Andi Patappari <p><em>Mattabulu Village's coffee farmers struggle with a lack of product diversification, which also affects their understanding of how to make coffee leaf tea correctly and effectively. As a result, the outcomes are unsatisfactory and not well received by consumers. The large coffee plantations produce coffee leaf waste, which farmers usually burn to reduce feces; however, this leads to air pollution. To help solve the existing problems, a community service initiative was carried out in the form of echogreen training on the utilization of coffee leaf waste into coffee leaf tea bags. This community service activity aims to transform coffee leaves into a marketable product by verifying the processing of coffee leaves. The methods implemented are socialization, training, evaluation, and mentoring. The training and mentoring materials consist of enhancing the skills of the Mattabulu coffee business group in product diversification, particularly in producing coffee leaf tea bags with better quality that can be sold commercially and digitally. In addition, it can also be socialized that coffee leaf tea bags have health benefits because they contain less caffeine compared to coffee. Coffee leaf tea can prevent cardiovascular problems and heart disease due to the presence of mangiferin, which can lower blood pressure. During the event, the community and members of the Mattabulu coffee business group warmly welcomed the DPL team and students. It is hoped that in the future, the coffee leaf tea bag product will have good prospects for community income, supported by the availability of raw materials, the ease of product processing, and the availability of equipment that has already been provided to the business group.</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Masyadi Masyadi, Amrial Amrial, Andi Patappari Inovasi Teknologi dalam Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Jual melalui Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Jagung pada Kelompok Tani di Kabupaten Soppeng 2024-09-23T22:15:24+07:00 Ismail Ismail Puji Rahmah Asnia Minarti <p><em>Maize commodities in Watu toa Village are still widely managed as raw materials for animal feed and are generally marketed in primary form either in the form of dried corn flakes or sold in the form of fresh corn at low prices. This is due to the limited knowledge of the community in applying technology to develop the potential of maize, resulting in low income for farmers. Maize price Daily transactions Maize is traded at USD490.25 per bushel. In rupiah terms, this is equivalent to IDR 2,992.5 per kg. Despite the abundant maize harvest in Watutoa village, this has not been able to increase farmers' income. This is because the processing of corn for selling value is still very limited where farmers only sell their corn agricultural products directly at low prices and on the other hand the marketing method is also still limited to the area around Watutoa village. to help solve the existing problems, community service is carried out to apply diversified corn processing technology. The purpose of the implementation of the service activities carried out is to increase the value of processed corn production into selling value by verifying processed corn based on the application of appropriate technology. The implementation methods carried out are socialisation, training, evaluation and mentoring. The results of the community service activities of corn processed diversification can increase community knowledge about corn diversification, increase the type of processed corn production into three processed corn in the form of popcorn, corn flour, and corn sugar. The results of processed corn diversification of 1 kg of raw materials at a price of 2500 rupiah are processed into popcorn as much as 1800 grams or 18 plastic packs of 100 grams with an increase in income from 2500 rupiah to Rp.90,000. for the results of corn flour diversification from raw materials as much as 142 grams at a price of 370 rupiah into flour as much as 100gram at a price of 4500 rupiah. And for the diversification of corn sugar from 1 Kg of corn raw material processed into liquid sugar produces 700 ML at a price of 17,000 rupiah.</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ismail Ismail, Puji Rahmah, Asnia Minarti