Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat <p><strong>Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat </strong>merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel laporan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh para dosen bidang pendidikan maupun bidang lain atau kelompok-kelompok masyarakat berbentuk penyuluhan, pendampingan, bimbingan teknis, dan jenis kegiatan lain yang relevan dengan : (1) Pendidikan dan Pelatihan; (2) Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; (3) Olahraga &amp; Kesehatan; (4) Ilmu Pengetahuan &amp; Tekonologi; (5) Parawisata &amp; Seni; (6) Sosial Budaya; (7) Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan; (8) Agama dan Hukum; (9) Pertanian dan lain-lain. Terbit 4x setahun yaitu pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember. Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat diterbitkan oleh <strong>Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende. </strong><strong>Terakreditasi <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta dengan Peringkat 4</a></strong> <strong>(Mulai Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021 sampai Volume 5 Nomor 4 Tahun 2025)</strong> berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi <strong>Nomor 79/E/KPT/2023</strong>, tanggal 11 Mei 2023 tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah periode I Tahun 2023</p> en-US (Gregorius Sebo Bito) (Gregorius Sebo Bito) Tue, 29 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Pendampingan Pembuatan Konten Digital bagi Para Pelaku UMKM untuk Meningkatkan Minat Konsumen <p><em>This research is motivated by the lack of understanding of technology among MSMEs in creating content that can attract consumers in Garut Regency. The purpose of this community service is to help and educate MSME actors in creating good content on social media so that it can attract consumers. The method used in this community service uses a direct mentoring method for MSMEs with several stages including observation, preparation, implementation and evaluation. The results of this service show success where MSME actors are very interactive in this activity to solve their problems and concerns in the content creation process. It is hoped that MSME actors can apply the understanding they gain in this content creation mentoring activity.</em></p> Luthfi Rafif Fauzan, Iis Zilfah Adnan Copyright (c) 2024 Luthfi Rafif Fauzan, Iis Zilfah Adnan Tue, 29 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Mengoptimalkan Bisnis Homestay melalui Pengelolaan Keuangan yang Inklusif—Lingkup POKDARWIS Desa Pela <p><em>So far, the Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS) in Pela Village has not implemented residential bookkeeping or financial management, so it often experiences problems in identifying tourism economic performance, especially income from homestays. In this context, financial management training is needed to optimize the performance of the homestay business. In this service, socialization approach, discussion and field practice methods are distributed to POKDARWIS of Pela Village. Empowerment focuses on building knowledge and skills in managing homestay finances. POKDARWIS of Pela Village was given an understanding of simple bookkeeping guidelines and direct assistance. Overall, they received the training well to support the sustainability of the homestay business through better quality financial management. It is hoped that the implications of this service will encourage POKDARWIS to apply simple financial management to the homestay business.</em></p> Yana Ulfah, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Zainal Arifin, Dio Caisar Darma Copyright (c) 2024 Yana Ulfah, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Zainal Arifin, Dio Caisar Darma Tue, 29 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Desiminasi Teknologi Capasitiv Sensor dan Arduino Uno dalam Pembuatan Voicing Poster untuk Peningkatan Pemahaman Sex Education bagi Anak Sekolah Dasar <p><em>In the current millennial era, cases of sexual violence in Indonesia continue to increase, making it necessary to provide sex education to children. The partner school in this research is the teacher working group (KKG) of Dabin IV SD Nakula Sadewa cluster in Bangsri sub-district, Jepara district, which consists of 9 elementary schools. They face issues with some elementary school children making jokes that lead to pornographic remarks or engaging in verbal and physical bullying. The aim of this community service program (PKM) is to enhance students' understanding of sex education, improve teachers' ability to master sex education material, and increase teachers' ability to innovate in creating learning media based on Capacitive Sensor technology and Arduino Uno. This research method is carried out in 5 stages: socialization, training, technology application, mentoring, and sustainability. As a result, the partners can improve their competence in developing innovative capacitive sensor technology learning media for elementary school children. From the implementation of this community service activity, the use of capacitive sensor technology-based learning media with Arduino Uno successfully addressed the problems faced by the partners.</em></p> Wulan Sutriyani, Dwiana Asih Wiranti, Retno Wahyusari, Dyah Ayu Safitri Aprilia, Esa Adistiya Fajarwati Mahdum, Muhamad Nur Subkan, Hilda Nur Maziyah Copyright (c) 2024 Wulan Sutriyani, Dwiana Asih Wiranti, Retno Wahyusari, Dyah Ayu Safitri Aprilia, Esa Adistiya Fajarwati Mahdum, Muhamad Nur Subkan, Hilda Nur Maziyah Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Penggunaan Ide Zero Waste dalam Pengolahan Limbah Organik dan Anorganik untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Lingkungan Hidup <p><em>The use of zero waste ideas for processing organic and inorganic waste mainly aims to improve environmental quality. The zero-waste concept focuses on minimizing and processing organic and inorganic waste. The following are several aspects to pay attention to in implementing zero waste: 1. Waste Reduction: Reducing waste production by reducing single-use products and replacing them with reusable products. 2. Zero waste-Based Waste Management: Households must be managed by sorting, composting, and collecting goods worth selling. Trash cans must be provided to separate organic and inorganic waste.3. Use of Waste Banks: Waste banks can utilize the economic value of non-organic waste. Waste can be stored and then resold or recycled. 4. Independent Waste Management: Independent waste management can be done by composting organic waste in your household. Inorganic waste must be managed with the help of third parties such as recycling businesses. 5. Community-Based Waste Management: Schools as a community can build awareness in their community about the waste produced every day and how we play our role in reducing the dangers of waste on earth. By implementing the zero waste idea, LKSA ar-Ridlo Peterongan Jombang can improve environmental quality and reduce negative impacts on the planet. This process requires awareness and lifestyle changes that are more concerned about the environment. This program or activity aims to develop a zero-waste concept focusing on sustainably managing organic and inorganic waste. We strive to turn waste into valuable and sellable products using eco-friendly methods.</em></p> Maidatus Sa’diyah, Wawan Herry Setyawan, Akhsinatul Kumala, Aida Arini, Muhammad Nur Salim, Burhanuddin Ridlwan Copyright (c) 2024 Maidatus Sa’diyah, Wawan Herry Setyawan, Akhsinatul Kumala, Aida Arini, Muhammad Nur Salim, Burhanuddin Ridlwan Sun, 03 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Inovasi dalam Pelatihan Keterampilan Komunikasi: Mengoptimalkan Pengalaman Magang Mahasiswa <p><em>Soft skills are skills related to personality and individual characteristics that are difficult to measure quantitatively. Communication is one of the skills that is very important in the work environment. These skills contribute to creating an open and friendly atmosphere and ensure that the resulting performance is clearer and more focused. Students' inability to build productive communication can hinder the smoothness of the internship process at the practice location. Conflicts between colleagues and human resources can create disharmony in company operations. The Student Creativity Program (PKM) aims to provide training. By obtaining soft skills training in the form of productive communication skills, students are expected to be able to: (1) focus on solutions, not problems; (2) get used to using positive and motivational sentences; (3) focus on the goals to be achieved; and (4) be visionary, with an orientation towards the future rather than the past. The method applied is online training for students participating in the MSIB program. The training implementation consists of three stages: material delivery, training, roleplay, and assessment. The result of this training is more organized material, which ensures students gain in-depth understanding and skills in effective communication. The participants' responses to this coaching and training showed that 100% felt that the training provided motivation and was fun to learn, especially prospective internship students because this training was very effective online.</em></p> Nia Kusuma Wardhani, Davita Variani, ⁠Luthfi Noor Aini Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 03 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pembuatan Video Animasi Gerakan Sholat Materi Fiqih Berdasarkan 4 Mazhab di Madrasah Tsanawiah <p><em>Assistance in making animated videos of prayer movements with Fiqh material based on the four schools of thought for Fiqh teachers at MTsN 1 Dompu aims to increase teacher competence in creating animated video-based learning media and support the implementation of the Independent Curriculum with digital technology. The mentoring method consists of three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Preparation includes a needs survey and program outreach. Implementation includes training on Fiqh material based on four schools of thought and making animated videos with Canva. The evaluation assesses the increase in teacher competence in using technology and creating interactive learning media. The evaluation results show a significant increase in the competence of Fiqh teachers at MTsN 1 Dompu. As many as 90% of participants experienced marked progress in understanding Fiqh material related to prayer movements based on the four schools of thought and in skills in using digital technology. Teachers are not only able to master the basic concepts of making animated videos, but also apply them independently in creating interactive and interesting animation-based learning media. Previously, most teachers relied on conventional methods, but after participating in the training, they showed increased ability to design visual content that supports learning. Apart from that, the evaluation results also noted that teachers felt more confident in implementing the Independent Curriculum through a creative approach, which is expected to increase student interest and involvement in the teaching and learning process. This success reflects the effectiveness of the training and its potential for sustainability in the future, where teachers are ready to develop more innovative learning media. In conclusion, this activity succeeded in increasing teacher readiness in implementing the Independent Curriculum through interactive and innovative learning media, which has the potential to make learning more effective and interesting for students.</em></p> Enung Nurhasanah, Asmedy Asmedy, Idhar Idhar, Nur Fania Alfisyah, Ferdianto Ferdianto Copyright (c) 2024 Enung Nurhasanah, Asmedy Asmedy, Idhar Idhar, Nur Fania Alfisyah, Ferdianto Ferdianto Mon, 04 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Pembuatan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Digital dalam Mendukung Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar <p><em>The community service program at SMP Negeri 2 Woja implemented by a team of lecturers from STKIP Yapis Dompu aims to improve teachers' skills and knowledge in creating digital-based teaching modules, as well as support the implementation of the Independent Curriculum which requires teachers to be more adaptive and creative in using technology in the learning process. The emergence of challenges in utilizing digital technology and the lack of in-depth training for teachers prompted the implementation of this program, which consists of a series of training and mentoring. The training includes in-depth material on the principles of the Independent Curriculum and how to integrate technology in creating teaching materials, with participants trained to use digital platforms such as Canva to create more interactive and engaging teaching modules. The teaching methods used include lectures, group discussions, and hands-on practice in creating digital-based teaching modules. The results of the training showed a significant increase in teachers' knowledge and skills, with 90% reporting a better understanding of the Independent Curriculum and increased confidence in using digital platforms. In addition, the number of digital-based teaching modules produced increased from five modules to eighteen modules after the training, demonstrating the effectiveness of the program in developing teachers' practical skills. This program has contributed positively to the quality of learning at SMP Negeri 2 Woja, and the increase in teachers' understanding of the Independent Curriculum and their ability to utilize digital technology shows that this training intervention is much needed. In addition, this program opens up opportunities for further collaboration between SMP Negeri 2 Woja and STKIP Yapis Dompu in improving the quality of education in a sustainable manner, where the active involvement of teachers in creating digital-based teaching modules can have a significant impact on students' learning experiences in the future.</em></p> Taufik Taufik, M Nur Imansyah, Moh Rayhan, Umul Jainab Copyright (c) 2024 Taufik Taufik, M Nur Imansyah, Moh Rayhan, Umul Jainab Mon, 04 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat melalui Edukasi Pengolahan Minyak Jelantah dari Limbah Menjadi Produk Bernilai Tinggi <p><em>The problem of used cooking oil waste in households is often ignored, even though it has the potential for negative impacts on the environment if not managed properly. This study aims to empower the community in Ciherang Housing, Bogor, through education on processing used cooking oil into high-value products such as soap and aromatherapy candles. The method used in community service is Participatory Action Research (PAR), where the community is actively involved in every stage of the activity, from identifying needs, and training, to evaluating results. This program consists of several stages, namely socialization of the dangers of used cooking oil for the environment, training on processing used cooking oil into processed products, and production assistance for program sustainability. The results of this activity showed that participants experienced increased knowledge about the impact of used cooking oil on the environment and skills in processing used cooking oil into economical products. Around 80% of participants succeeded in producing soap and candles that were suitable for use, and 40% of them showed interest in marketing their processed products. In addition, the formation of small production groups among participants also indicates the potential for sustainability of this program. This education and training not only reduces environmental pollution but also opens up additional income opportunities for the community. It can be concluded that the empowerment program through education on used cooking oil processing is effective in increasing environmental awareness and community economic skills. This program is expected to be a model that can be applied in other areas as a solution for sustainable environmental-based economic empowerment.</em></p> Meylani Tuti, Yeni Kurniati, Salman Paludi Copyright (c) 2024 Meylani Tuti, Yeni Kurniati, Salman Paludi Mon, 04 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif di SMK <p><em>The training program at SMK Negeri 2 Dompu aims to improve teachers' abilities in developing interactive multimedia-based learning media. This training was held to overcome the challenges of using conventional learning media which is less attractive to students, as well as teachers' lack of understanding regarding educational technology which affects learning effectiveness. This program is designed so that teachers can utilize digital technology to support the implementation of the Independent Curriculum and create interactive learning that is relevant to the digital era. Program implementation includes three stages: preparation, implementation, and monitoring. In the preparation stage, a teacher needs survey was carried out and training materials were prepared which included the creation of multimedia learning media and the use of the Learning Management System (LMS) application. The implementation phase includes training in creating interactive multimedia learning media, developing materials in line with the Independent Curriculum, training in using the LMS, as well as assistance in creating interactive media using the Canva and LMS applications. Monitoring is carried out after training to evaluate the success of the program through assessing participant performance and measuring results through questionnaires and analysis. Program results showed a significant increase in teachers' understanding regarding the use of multimedia in learning, with 90% of participants reporting increased understanding and 80% successfully developing multimedia-based modules. In terms of LMS usage, 70% of participants successfully created an account and started using the platform. Increasing teachers' understanding and skills in interactive multimedia and LMS technology is very positive, helping teachers utilize technology to create more interesting and effective learning, as well as monitor student progress digitally, showing great potential in developing teacher competence to face educational challenges in the technological era.</em></p> M Nur Imansyah, Mulya Yusnarti, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Ramadhan Ramadhan, Fitriatun Fitriatun Copyright (c) 2024 M Nur Imansyah, Mulya Yusnarti, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Ramadhan Ramadhan, Fitriatun Fitriatun Mon, 04 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila melalui Pelatihan Penggunaan Tumbuhan sebagai Pewarna Alami Tenun Kebat Dayak Iban <p><em>To realise an evolved Indonesia that is self-sufficient and has a personality, the education vision begins with organising P5 as an integrated aspect of the Merdeka Curriculum. The Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) will give opportunity for students to enhance their character via learning experiences in the surrounding environment. This workshop aims to achieve the same purpose as Indonesian education: to provide students and elementary school children with hands-on experience using plants as natural dyes for Dayak Iban Kebat Weaving in Sungai Utik. The purpose of this activity is to preserve and protect Dayak Iban culture, particularly through the weaving method. The training technique employs a contextual approach, combining demonstration and practice. The lecturer was a Kebat weaving practitioner, and the training participants consisted of five youngsters from Sungai Utik. The assessment instrument utilised was a questionnaire completed by youngsters about their understanding of the usage of plants as natural colours. The instruction resulted in the 5 participants being able to use engkerbai laut, engkerbai kayo’ and renggat kikat plants as natural dyes for weaving yarn in the colours red and navy blue. They learnt the natural dyeing process firsthand by observing, selecting, sifting, and removing the boiling water to obtain colours suitable for use on woven yarns. This training is vital for improving P5, as it allows children to be actively involved in learning about and experiencing the natural dyeing process, which at the very least strengthens character and individuality while also providing cultural preservation space.</em></p> Zakarias Aria Widyatama Putra, Sulistyarini Sulistyarini, Efriani Efriani, Jagad Aditya Dewantara, Yudhistira Oscar Olendo Copyright (c) 2024 Zakarias Aria Widyatama Putra, Sulistyarini Sulistyarini, Efriani Efriani, Jagad Aditya Dewantara, Yudhistira Oscar Olendo Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Penguatan Peran Suami pada Masa Kehamilan Istri di Posyandu Krisan Cianjur <p><em>Sukanagalih is one of the villages located in Pacet District, Cianjur Regency, West Java and is one of the villages fostered by Binawan University. The problem of pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) still occurs in Cianjur Regency. The problem of KEK needs to be handled and given attention by related parties. The role of the family, especially the husband, can affect the health of pregnant women. Based on this, community service was carried out with the main target being pregnant women by involving cadres from the Krisan Posyandu. In this activity, the husbands of pregnant women were involved to be given education related to pregnancy and how to prepare food during pregnancy. By involving husbands, it is hoped that the mother will have a healthy pregnancy and will give birth to a healthy baby. This community service aims to provide education and involve husbands regarding the scope of pregnancy and the provision of nutritious food for pregnant women using food and herbal local. The stages of community service activities carried out are continued potential surveys, implementation of educational activities and cooking competitions, as well as evaluation and reporting. Based on the survey results, to expand the benefits of the activity, education participants are not only limited to pregnant women and their husbands but also other residents who live in the area. Providing education to residents has increased the knowledge of the participants. Before the education was carried out, the average level of knowledge was 47.70 and after being given education it increased to 85.31. In addition, the cooking competition activities that were carried out have made residents more creative in utilizing local food ingredients and herbs into various types of food and drinks. Seeing the results obtained, residents of Sukanagalih Village have the potential to be given further assistance.</em></p> Ratnayani Ratnayani, Rasyid Avicena, Ernie Halimatushadyah, Julia Dwi Rahmadianti, Edvan Duta Zulham, Rizkiyawati Rizkiyawati, Hidyatussabilah Hidyatussabilah Copyright (c) 2024 Ratnayani Ratnayani, Rasyid Avicena, Ernie Halimatushadyah, Julia Dwi Rahmadianti, Edvan Duta Zulham, Rizkiyawati Rizkiyawati, Hidyatussabilah Hidyatussabilah Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Susun Kata Tingkatkan Literasi: Pelatihan Kreatif bagi Anak-Anak Kampung Onggatmit <p><em>The quality of education in Indonesia is still low, one of the causes is the low ability to read, in this case reading literacy and critical thinking skills, especially in children. This is based on data that Papua Province ranks last with a score of 19.90 which shows a very low category. Onggatmit Village is one of the villages in Merauke, South Papua Province with many children who are still unable to read and even recognize letters and numbers. Basic literacy needs to be applied early in primary school-age children when brain development can still be shaped. Due to conditions that cannot gain knowledge in school, one of the activities that can be done to improve basic literacy is to conduct basic literacy training for children in Onggatmit Village with word stacking games. This service activity was carried out in four stages, namely survey, socialization, training and monitoring. The results of this service activity run smoothly and can improve basic literacy skills carried out with word stacking games for children in Onggatmit Village.</em></p> Kristina Uskenat, Merta Simbolon, Tutik Yuliatun Copyright (c) 2024 Kristina Uskenat, Merta Simbolon, Tutik Yuliatun Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Penyusunan RPP dan Modul Proyek P5 Digital Terintegrasi Kurikulum Merdeka: Upaya Mendukung Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri <p><em>Sustainable education is one of the main pillars in facing global challenges such as environmental degradation and climate change. The Adiwiyata program, initiated by the Indonesian government, aims to integrate environmental values into the school curriculum, helping students not only understand environmental concepts theoretically, but also apply them in everyday life. SMPN 1 Kolaka, as a community service partner, is working to achieve the Adiwiyata Mandiri award and needs strengthening in the implementation of the Adiwiyata concept, especially in the preparation of learning tools based on environmental values. The training program includes five main stages, namely the planning, implementation, technology application, mentoring, evaluation, and program sustainability stages. In the training process, teachers are invited to be more skilled in preparing Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) and Project Modules for Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile (P5) which are integrated with environmental values. The results of this training showed a significant improvement in teachers' abilities, as evidenced by the difference in pretest and posttest scores by 20%. In addition, feedback from participants showed that this activity received positive appreciation, with a satisfaction rate of 90%. The success of this training not only improves teachers' competence in developing environment-based learning, but also strengthens teachers' capacity in developing environment-based learning.</em></p> Ayu Rahayu, Agus Nasir, Dede Sopiandy, Serli Puspitasari, Fiqhi Al Fiqran Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Rahayu, Agus Nasir, Dede Sopiandy, Serli Puspitasari, Fiqhi Al Fiqran Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital untuk Guru dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Pendidikan Seks Siswa Sekolah Dasar <p><em>Early childhood education plays an important role in equipping children with knowledge and skills for the future. One of the crucial aspects of this education is sex education, which aims to introduce students to the concept of privacy and body boundaries, as well as preventing potential sexual crimes. At SDN 31 Dompu, there are challenges in student behavior and the lack of use of digital technology in learning. The Community Service Program (PkM) carried out by STKIP Yapis Dompu aims to increase teachers' understanding and skills in using digital-based learning media, especially through making sex education posters using the Canva platform. The program implementation method includes three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. In the preparation stage, surveys, outreach and preparation of training materials were carried out. Program implementation includes training and assistance in making poster learning media using Canva, as well as workshops to improve participants' skills. The evaluation stage aims to monitor the results and sustainability of the program. The results showed that 85% of participants experienced improved graphic design skills, 80% felt more confident in using Canva, and 90% felt the training deepened their understanding of presenting sex education information. This program succeeded in improving the quality of learning media at SDN 31 Dompu and created a more positive learning environment.</em></p> Ilham Ilham, Amal Fauqi, Ija Srirahmawati, Nunung Hendriani, Muhammad Reza Rezki Copyright (c) 2024 Ilham Ilham, Amal Fauqi, Ija Srirahmawati, Nunung Hendriani, Muhammad Reza Rezki Sun, 10 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Komunikasi Terapeutik pada Kerabat Pasien untuk Mendukung Perawatan Pasien Gangguan Jiwa <p><em>The therapeutic communication training for the relatives of mentally ill patients at Puskesmas Sukamerang aims to enhance communication skills and emotional support in patient care. The background of this training is based on the observation that the relatives of patients often lack understanding of the importance of effective communication in aiding the healing process and stabilizing the patient's condition. The purpose of this study is to improve the therapeutic communication skills of the relatives of mentally ill patients and to raise awareness about the critical role of communication in supporting patient care. The training was conducted using a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, which consists of five main stages: to know, to understand, to plan, to act, and to change. The training lasted for seven days and included theoretical material presentations, hands-on practice through role-play and real-life situation simulations, as well as group discussions to share experiences and learnings. The results of the training showed a significant increase in understanding and therapeutic communication skills among the relatives of patients, which also facilitated the establishment of the DiSaPa (Diskusi Sahabat Pasien) discussion forum. This forum serves as a sustainable platform for the relatives of patients to share experiences, knowledge, and emotional support. In conclusion, the training successfully enhanced the awareness and capabilities of the relatives in supporting the care of mentally ill patients, with follow-up measures including monitoring and support through an online discussion forum to ensure the continued application of therapeutic communication skills in the long term.</em></p> Moch Iqbal Maulana Gantara P, Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi Copyright (c) 2024 Moch Iqbal Maulana Gantara P, Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi Sun, 10 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat melalui Kelompok Tani Hutan: Studi Kasus di Dukuh Karanguluh Karanganyar <p><em>Forest Farmer Group (KTH) is a platform which facilitates the establishment of enterprises by communities residing near forests. The KTH Harapan Makmur, situated in Gempolan Village, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, has the capacity to harness both human resources and natural resources. Nevertheless, when it comes to organizational development, it lies short of being ideal. Therefore, it is imperative to offer support linked to enhancing institutional capacity. The objective of this action is to enhance community awareness of growing organizations. A community service event took place in July 2023, attended by representatives from the Gempolan Village Government, forestry extension workers, a community service team from Universitas Sebelas Maret, and members of the KTH Harapan Makmur. The activity was implemented through the organization of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) primarily aimed at facilitating the compilation of the AD/ART. Attending participants were requested to complete a questionnaire. The activity findings indicate that roughly 40.9% of KTH Harapan Makmur members are employed as farmers, earning a monthly income ranging from less than 1 million rupiah to 3 million rupiah. Following the session, participants' understanding of KTH exhibited a percentage gain in comparison to their level of knowledge before the activity. Thus far, the primary obstacle has been the procurement of capital sources, which remain restricted. Engagement in diverse activities is expected to create possibilities for collaboration and capital acquisition to ensure the long-term viability of KTH's business.</em></p> Ana Agustina, Ike Nurjuita Nayasilana, Yus Andhini Bhekti Pertiwi , Rissa Rahmadwiati, Rezky Lasekti Wicaksono Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Agustina, Ike Nurjuita Nayasilana, Yus Andhini Bhekti Pertiwi , Rissa Rahmadwiati, Rezky Lasekti Wicaksono Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Inovasi Produk Kopicek (Kopine Wong Picek) Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Kelompok Difabel Tunanetra Mata Hati <p><em>Coffee is an important commodity with significant global demand. In Indonesia, East Java Province contributed 85.15% of the national coffee production in the Large Estate sector in 2022, supporting the growth of the local coffee industry such as coffeeshops. In Surabaya, the Mata Hati Community, consisting of people with disabilities, launched a coffee brand called "Kopicek" as an effort to empower disabled individuals, especially the blind. However, they face challenges in terms of quality control, manual production processes, and limited promotion. To carry out and create innovations in empowering the visually impaired or the blind, our team provides mentoring and training to improve the quality and efficiency of Kopicek's production. Through a community service program, the social service team designed solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of Kopicek's production. These solutions include quality control training, provision of automated coffee machines and custom packaging press machines that are accessible to blind baristas, as well as digital marketing training. The results of this program are expected to help the Mata Hati Community maintain coffee product consistency, expand marketing through digital media, and enhance Kopicek's branding in the local market.</em></p> Bagus Cahyo Shah Adhi Pradana, Hikmah Husniyah Farhanindya, I Dewa Ketut Raka Ardiana Copyright (c) 2024 Bagus Cahyo Shah Adhi Pradana, Hikmah Husniyah Farhanindya, I Dewa Ketut Raka Ardiana Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru PAUD Menciptakan Digital Picture Storybook Digital Berbasis Artificial Intelligence di Kiddos Smart School <p><em>Teachers at Kiddos Smart School Makassar faced challenges in exploring children's literature and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology into the creation of digital picture storybooks. This Community Service Program aims to enhance teachers' abilities in creating interactive AI-based learning media in early childhood. The implementation methods include training, workshops, and intensive mentoring on using tools like ChatGPT, Canva Magic Media, and to create digital text, illustrations, and background music. As a result, teachers were able to adapt children's literature elements into engaging digital narratives and improve their technical skills in producing AI-based digital media. This Community Service Program successfully strengthened teachers' capacity to integrate AI technology, which is expected to enhance educational quality and cognitive development in children. </em></p> Juanda Juanda, Haripuddin Haripuddin, Azis Azis Copyright (c) 2024 Juanda Juanda, Haripuddin Haripuddin, Azis Azis Sun, 17 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Membangun Generasi Muda Toleran: Penguatan Moderasi Beragama di Desa Multi Agama <p><em>This community service activity explores the practice of religious moderation in Nanganesa Village, focusing on young people. Observation of the problem is pointed by the increasing activity of youth religious organizations but the lack of relations and interactions between organizations and young people of different religions in Nanganesa Village. The service was conducted using a Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) approach to examine religious moderation practices in the village. Through questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGD), the team identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in fostering religious moderation at the local level. The study results indicate that strong social bonds, environmental support, and the active role of religious leaders are factors that promote tolerance. Nonetheless, the influence of social media and the lack of interfaith activities pose challenges that need to be addressed. The socialization of religious moderation aims to strengthen bonds of tolerance among youth of different faiths and their ability to resist extreme and radical ideologies in religion. This community engagement activity should be continued with follow-up efforts, such as strengthening tolerance education, media and technology literacy for young people through their respective religious organizations and increasing cross-organizational activities that can accommodate young people from various religions to strengthen religious moderation among young people.</em></p> Yosep Aurelius Woi Bule, Ignasius Suswakara Copyright (c) 2024 Ignasius Suswakara, Yosep Aurelius Woi Bule Mon, 18 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pendampingan Pengolahan Minyak Kelapa dalam Mendukung Program Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila di Sekolah Menengah <p><em>The Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project or often referred to as the P5 Project is an effort to support the realization of student figures based on the Pancasila foundation through the process of reviewing student learning materials based on projects. One of the topics of the P5 activities carried out at SMA N 2 Ratahan is entrepreneurship, and coconut oil processing is the theme raised. The implementation method of community service activities consists of dissemination, training/technology transfer, as well as monitoring and evaluation at the final stage. Through this community service activity, there is an increase in the level of community empowerment in this case students and teachers, namely increasing student knowledge and skills about processing coconuts into coconut oil and blondo using more modern tools. The activities include production and packaging. This activity has also been able to improve students' life skills to be able to become entrepreneurs later.</em></p> Livana Dethris Rawung, Emma Mauren Moko, Grace Jenny Soputan, Debby J J Rayer, Anatje Lihiang, Johanna Zusye Wantania Copyright (c) 2024 Livana Dethris Rawung, Emma Mauren Moko, Grace Jenny Soputan, Debby J J Rayer, Anatje Lihiang, Johanna Zusye Wantania Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pendampingan Pembukuan, Inventarisasi, dan Pelaporan Barang Milik Daerah dalam Upaya Menciptakan Laporan Keuangan Berkualitas di Kabupaten Pinrang <p><em>The demand for the application of Good Governance (GG) principles in regional financial management emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability, especially in the management of Regional Property (BMD). The Pinrang District Government faces challenges in preparing BMD reports, such as late reporting, incomplete asset data, and suboptimal recording. This program aims to improve the capability of BMD managers in Pinrang Regency through intensive training and mentoring, in accordance with Permendagri No.47 of 2021. The program implementation methods include lectures, hands-on practice, technical assistance, and evaluation. The materials presented covered BMD bookkeeping, inventory, and reporting, with a focus on using the Simda BMD application to improve report efficiency and accuracy. The evaluation results showed that the program succeeded in improving participants' understanding and skills in BMD management. The resulting outputs include more integrated and quality semesterly BMD reports, as well as an increase in the suitability of asset data with physical conditions in the field. With this success, the program made a real contribution in supporting more transparent, accountable, and regulated regional asset governance, as well as strengthening the capacity of the Pinrang Regency Financial and Revenue Management Agency (BPKPD) in overseeing better regional financial management.</em></p> Darmawati Darmawati, Andi Kusumawati, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Aini Indrijawati, Indira Syakira Kirana Juanda Copyright (c) 2024 Darmawati Darmawati, Andi Kusumawati, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Aini Indrijawati, Indira Syakira Kirana Juanda Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Edukasi Keamanan Siber Berdigital dengan Aman <p><em>The rapid development of digital technology in Indonesia has heightened the need for cybersecurity education to safeguard individuals against prevalent digital fraud. This community service initiative, titled "Cybersecurity: Safe Digital Practices," aims to raise awareness and educate participants about key aspects of digital security. The program covers the fundamentals of cybersecurity, including digital fraud detection, device security, identity protection, and understanding digital footprints. The implementation involved interactive workshops that addressed common cyber threats and equipped participants with practical strategies for safe digital engagement. Methodologies included presentations on real-life cyber-attack cases, discussions on digital fraud tactics such as phishing, pharming, and sniffing, and hands-on sessions for using security tools like two-factor authentication, fingerprint authentication, and device tracking. Participants were encouraged to engage actively, allowing for the immediate application of learned strategies. Results indicate an increased awareness and capability among participants to recognize and counteract digital fraud. Through post-program evaluations, participants reported a significant improvement in their confidence and ability to protect personal information and secure digital devices. In conclusion, this program effectively enhanced the cybersecurity skills of the participants. It is recommended that future programs expand to include more advanced topics, such as cybersecurity for small businesses and data privacy laws. Continued collaboration with educational institutions and community organizations can further disseminate cybersecurity knowledge across broader demographics, ensuring safer digital practices at the community level.</em></p> Feliks Prasepta Sejahtera Surbakti Copyright (c) 2024 Feliks Prasepta Sejahtera Surbakti Sun, 01 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati Daun Diwoka (Piper macropiper Pennant.) sebagai Alternatif Pengendalian Hama pada Tanaman Kedelai di Distrik Walesi <p><em>Agricultural development in Walesi District is an area that has a lot of potential for the development of various types of agricultural commodities as a source of income for the Walesi community. Plant Pest Organisms (OPT) both pests and diseases are one of the obstacles in soybean cultivation which can often result in crop failure. The community, especially in the Walesi village area, is actively farming traditionally, especially soybeans, often facing challenges in controlling pests and diseases. Limited knowledge about effective and environmentally friendly control methods. The purpose of the Activity Implementation is to increase Knowledge in controlling soybean plant pests using Diwoka Plant Extract as a Botanical Pesticide. The service method, namely Socialization, is carried out in the form of Lectures, namely about community knowledge regarding plant cultivation techniques, especially soybeans, and the use of natural pesticides from Diwoka plant extract (Piper macropiper Pennant). The training stage is given through direct practice to farmer groups in the Walesi district in making botanical pesticides based on Diwoka leaves (Piper macropiper Pennant). Application of Technology Practice of the process of utilizing natural pesticides on soybean plants and Mentoring and Evaluation. This activity is carried out together and will help the community to understand how to make botanical pesticides. So that later the community can make botanical pesticides independently. Evaluation is the final stage to determine the sustainability of the community service program. The final activity of this community service training is the distribution of questionnaires (post-test) to determine the extent of the development of participants' knowledge, after previously being given a questionnaire (pre-test). Community service activities that focus on training in making botanical pesticides from diwoka leaf extract in Walesi Jayawijaya District have had a significant positive impact. This training has succeeded in increasing farmers' knowledge and skills in managing pests and diseases of soybean plants naturally. Improved skills Farmers have new skills in making and applying botanical pesticides from diwoka leaf extract.</em></p> Siti Latifa Wulandari, HardiyantiYM HardiyantiYM, Nuraisyah Takdir, Busuk Wandik, Santi Ferro Kogoya Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Latifa Wulandari, HardiyantiYM HardiyantiYM, Nuraisyah Takdir, Busuk Wandik, Santi Ferro Kogoya Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Bina Iman Remaja Perempuan Katolik di Asrama Maria Lordes SMK Muktyaca Ende <p><em>Due to the mentors' conflicting responsibilities, the teenage girls at the Maria Lordes Ende dormitory struggle with the absence of regular spiritual supervision. As a result, one of the immediate fixes is for them to join the mentoring team at SMK Muktyaca Ende's Maria Lordes Dormitory in addition to being the PKM implementers. Since Catholic youth are the Church's hope and agents of renewal due to their innate qualities of being vivacious, creative, dynamic, sympathetic, critical, and risk-taking, it is imperative that youth faith development mentoring be included in the Congregation's annual programs.</em> <em>Spending time with young people also exposes them to circumstances and technology advancements that significantly test their spirituality and personalities. Therefore, in order to assist these young women, it is essential to provide careful consideration to needs like conceptual and continuous advice, which will help these teenagers avoid making snap judgments that could harm themselves. The target audience for this community service project is Catholic teens living in the Maria Lordes hostel at SMK Muktyaca Ende. Helping young women value life as women and participate in spiritual activities is the aim of this activity. To rekindle excitement from tedium and monotony during the process, a qualitative participative method is employed, which includes lectures and basic practical exercises. This program aims to teach young ladies to value their femininity and participate in spiritual activities. The technique is a qualitative participatory approach that uses lectures and basic hands-on activities to rekindle interest during the activities and break monotony. Thus, the end effect is that Catholic adolescent girls develop greater self-awareness, explore their inner selves more deeply, love and accept themselves, and live out their spirituality every day.</em></p> Viktoria Lelboy Copyright (c) 2024 Viktoria Lelboy Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Diseminasi Teknologi Pemanfaatan Asap Cair dalam Produksi Pertanian dan Pangan Lokal Secara Berkelanjutan <p><em>Lack of understanding of using liquid smoke in preserving chicken fillet food and rubber agricultural products for durability among farmers in Payakabung Village, North Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency is the main factor in carrying out Community Service (PkM). The purpose of this PkM is to educate and improve the knowledge and skills of the Payakabung Village community regarding the benefits and techniques of using liquid smoke on chicken fish meat as a food preservative and agricultural products for the durability of rubber latex products. Implementing community service for farmers is done directly in the field through pedagogical and participatory learning. The activity is counselling and socialization through lecture methods, discussions, and questions and answers, where the community service team delivers the material. Community Service related to the dissemination of liquid smoke technology in Payakabung Village has effectively empowered the local community, especially farmers. Through this program, farmers have succeeded in developing skills in utilizing liquid smoke on chicken fillets and rubber agricultural products for the durability of latex, which has high economic value. The program's success is reflected in farmers' ability to use liquid smoke independently to preserve and improve the quality of products such as chicken fillets and rubber, ultimately opening up new business opportunities and increasing their income.</em></p> Rizky Tirta Adhiguna, Syifa’ Robbani, Nurul Izzah Aulia, Fatria Resti Haryani, Primayoga Harsana Setyaaji, Puspitahati Puspitahati, Amin Rejo, Endo Argo Kuncoro Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Tirta Adhiguna, Syifa’ Robbani, Nurul Izzah Aulia, Fatria Resti Haryani, Primayoga Harsana Setyaaji, Puspitahati Puspitahati, Amin Rejo, Endo Argo Kuncoro Thu, 05 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Berdikari Tanjung Lom Dalam Hilirisasi Tepung Pisang Berbasis Ekonomi Hijau <p><em>Downstreaming of local food ingredients such as bananas is still not widely encouraged, even though bananas are a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Based on interviews with partners conducted by the STIKES Adila service team, it is known that the local potential of Tanjung Agung village has not been utilized optimally due to a lack of knowledge. Because of this, community service is carried out in making banana flour and downstreaming processed banana flour products. Implementing this community service is training in making banana flour and downstream products from banana flour. Based on the results of community service activities, the Tanjung Lom Independent Women group experienced increased knowledge and skills in making banana flour and processed products using banana flour. The output obtained from this community service activity is that the participants can have the skills to make banana flour. The follow-up to this activity is that the Women's group develops skills which are the basis for the formation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises thereby improving the economy in Tanjung Agung Village.</em></p> Suherman Rate, Ritma Dewanti, Hernianti Herman, Ahmad Dahro, Anto J Hadi, Syamsopyan Ishak Copyright (c) 2024 Suherman Rate, Ritma Dewanti, Hernianti Herman, Ahmad Dahro, Anto J Hadi, Syamsopyan Ishak Sun, 08 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peningkatan Kapabilitas Pengelola Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum Daerah Dalam Rangka Pencegahan Fraud di Kabupaten Pinrang <p><em>Regional Public Service Agencies (BLUD) play a strategic role in supporting public services, particularly in the health sector. However, financial management in BLUD often faces challenges such as fraud risks and weak internal control systems. This Community Service Program aims to enhance the financial management capacity of BLUD managers in Pinrang Regency to prevent fraud. The methods employed include intensive training, case study simulations, technical assistance, and evaluation of the implementation of internal control systems. The results show improved participants' understanding of fraud concepts and the application of more effective prevention measures. Technical assistance enabled BLUD managers to design and implement internal control systems tailored to the needs of each unit. This program successfully fostered more transparent and accountable financial governance, supporting the sustainability of public services. As a follow-up, it is proposed that similar activities be conducted periodically to ensure the continuous improvement of BLUD managers' capabilities. Additionally, the development of digital platforms is recommended to support more integrated and efficient financial reporting. These steps are expected to strengthen BLUD financial governance in Pinrang Regency and serve as a model for adoption in other regions.</em></p> Aini Indrijawati, Darmawati Darmawati, Kartini Kartini, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Syarifuddin Rasyid, Asharin Juwita Purisamya, Indira Syakira Kirana Juanda Copyright (c) 2024 Aini Indrijawati, Darmawati Darmawati, Kartini Kartini, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Syarifuddin Rasyid, Asharin Juwita Purisamya, Indira Syakira Kirana Juanda Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Augmented Reality-Based Learning Media Training to Develop Elementary School Teachers' Creativity <p>Learning using technology is currently the main thing because it has entered the Society 5.0 era. This community service activity aims to provide opportunities for elementary school teachers in Cirebon City to conduct training on the use of augmented reality-based teaching media to support the development of their creativity and role in the learning process in the classroom. This activity has a target, namely teachers who are members of the Teacher Working Group Forum (FKKG) who are members of the board of directors of a total of 40 teachers from representatives of their respective schools in Cirebon City. This activity aims to: (1) develop the role of teachers in the digital economy era to better master technology in the learning process; (2) providing opportunities for elementary school teachers in Cirebon City to develop creativity in making interesting teaching materials; (3) facilitating teachers in creating digital augmented reality-based teaching materials; (4) utilizing AR technology to present interactive teaching media; and (5) support Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program. This service activity uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method which includes activities that will be carried out ranging from identifying problems (to know), understanding (to understand), acting (to act), making changes (to change). The stages in this activity include (a) socialization and FGD; (b) the training process in several meetings; (c) the application of technology; (d) assistance and evaluation; (e) program sustainability, which provides broad opportunities for teachers to implement AR technology in learning and share knowledge with peers. The results of the training activities had a good response from the participants, including being able to increase the creativity of teachers in compiling AR learning media. In addition, the results of the questionnaire response have a score of 4.45 in the "excellent" category.</p> Siti Sahronih, Herisa Hardiyanti Sholeha, Mohamad Fahmi Reza, Jatu Wahyu Wicaksono, Intan Nurfadillah, Sofie Savitri Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Sahronih, Herisa Hardiyanti Sholeha, Mohamad Fahmi Reza, Jatu Wahyu Wicaksono, Intan Nurfadillah, Sofie Savitri Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Desa Wisata Fatumnasi Berdaya: Strategi Pelatihan Bahasa dan Budaya Lokal untuk Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia <p>Fatumnasi is renowned for its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. The community in this village maintains strong kinship, preserves traditional customs, and welcomes visitors as family. The village boasts potential for mountain and cultural tourism, including traditional dances and local cuisine from the Dawan. As a pilot project for sustainable tourism development, the village requires competent human resources to manage these potentials. However, the tourism awareness group in Fatumnasi faces challenges in tourism management, particularly regarding English language skills and knowledge of local wisdom. The Community Service Team from the University of Persatuan Guru 1945 NTT collaborated with Pokdarwis to identify these issues. Together, they agreed to conduct English language training and provide assistance in promoting local cultural products. The goal of this activity was to enhance English proficiency and understanding of local culture to attract more tourists. The results shows that: (a) English for Specific Purposes training was successfully implemented for Pokdarwis in Fatumnasi; (b) Improved understanding among the member of Pokdarwis regarding the history and philosophical elements of each traditional weaving motif. This was evidenced by their ability to create narratives explaining the cultural values behind each motif, which is expected to captivate tourists and encourage longer stays in Fatumnasi.</p> Oce Antipas Langkameng, Oktoviana Derice Meluk, Dwi Dersmi Selan, Rocky P Sekoni Copyright (c) 2024 Oce Antipas Langkameng, Oktoviana Derice Meluk, Dwi Dersmi Selan, Rocky P Sekoni Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan KKN Uniflor Mengabdi di Desa Nduaria Kabupaten Ende <p><em>Nduaria Village, located in the Kelimutu sub-district of Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, is predominantly an agricultural community. The primary goal of KKN program was to apply the knowledge gained during their university studies and address the needs of the local community. The KKN program also aimed to develop students' character, leadership, and social skills. Despite the short duration of the program, students were able to identify key issues in the village, such as water shortages, lack of environmental cleanliness, and low English language proficiency among students. The implementation involved various activities, including educational workshops and tree planting. The students held English language lessons for primary school students, as well as early childhood education programs for preschool and kindergarten children. In addition, they organized socialization on environmental cleanliness and anti-bullying awareness for the village schools. A significant environmental initiative was the planting of trees to help address the village's water scarcity. The KKN program also included communal cleaning activities, aimed at raising awareness about environmental hygiene. The program was well-received by the local community, with high participation from village officials, youths, and school children. Through the KKN, students were able to make a positive contribution to the village's development in the areas of education and environmental conservation, while also gaining valuable real-world experience. Overall, the program helped foster enthusiasm among the students and local community to work together for a better future. The Community Service Program (KKN) is a tangible manifestation of the responsibilities of lecturers and students in serving the community. The purpose of this service is to enhance students' awareness and empathy, instill values such as work ethic, perseverance, responsibility, leadership, independence, and entrepreneurship, as well as to contribute by solving problems in the community.</em></p> Marianus Woda Liru, Yuliana Celmi, Margareta Dian Arimbi Puspa Rendo, Yustanti Herlina Ndora, Yuliana Anvianita, Bernadeta Babo, Maxmiliano Cavalero Radja, Maria Fatima Neno, Emanuel Hendra Sara, Lidia L Dhone, Sophieni Bintang Princessha Paut, Marnelia Ndiu, Evenritus K Dala, Stanislaus Novantus Muda, Josua Jors Wake Koda, Susana Oktavia Jeong Copyright (c) 2024 Marianus Woda Liru, Yuliana Celmi, Margareta Dian Arimbi Puspa Rendo, Yustanti Herlina Ndora, Yuliana Anvianita, Bernadeta Babo, Maxmiliano Cavalero Radja, Maria Fatima Neno, Emanuel Hendra Sara, Lidia L Dhone, Sophieni Bintang Princessha Paut, Marnelia Ndiu, Evenritus K Dala, Stanislaus Novantus Muda, Josua Jors Wake Koda, Susana Oktavia Jeong Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700