This study was conducted to determine whether there is a difference in learning motivation between students from farmers family and fishermen family at SDI Aeteke. The research problem is formulated as follows: 1). How is the learning motivation of farmers' students? 2). How is the learning motivation of fishermen's children? The research method used is descriptive quantitative, with comparative analysis to determine the differences in learning motivation between farmers' children and fishermen's children. The results showed that at SDI Aeteke there was no significant difference in learning motivation between students from farmer family backgrounds and fishermen's children, where the learning motivation score of students from farming family backgrounds was 78.5% while students from fishermen family backgrounds were 77. 9% or only 0.6% difference. However, both of them have the highest and lowest scores on different indicators where students from farming family backgrounds have high motivation scores on the interest indicator and the lowest on the student self-awareness indicator, while students with fishing family backgrounds have high motivation scores on the indicator of the desire to succeed and the lowest indicator of the condition of the student learning environment.
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