The aim of this research is to describe the impact of increasing participation in learning on students' understanding of calculating the perimeter, finding the length, and width of a rectangle. This classroom action research went through a research procedure per cycle, namely the first cycle, the second cycle, and the third cycle. Each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.
The results of the evaluation on calculating the perimeter and finding the length and width of a rectangle for third graders at SDI Barai 2 for the 2020/2021 academic year showed that the presentation of learning completeness was only 17% of the 30 students who attended. This number is very large and will have a negative impact on the quality of subsequent student learning outcomes. The reflection process carried out by the teacher found the cause of the problem, namely the lack of student participation in learning. The result of this classroom action research is the percentage of learning completeness in the first cycle is 53%. the percentage of learning completeness in the second cycle is 70%. While the percentage of learning completeness in the third cycle is 83%. The increase in the percentage of mastery learning from the first cycle to the third cycle shows that increasing participation in learning can improve students' understanding.
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