: The formulation of the problem studied in this study is how the concept of character education in Thomas Lickona's moral perspective and how to implement character education in Thomas Lickona's moral perspective for elementary school students. This study aims to determine the concept of character education in Thomas Lickona's moral perspective and the implementation of character education in Thomas Lickona's moral perspective for elementary school students.This research uses descriptive qualitative research, where in the research process, the researcher himself becomes the research instrument. The researcher acts as the main instrument because the researcher acts as a designer, implementer, data collector, data interpreter and drawer of conclusions in this study. The time and place of this research is starting from 15 July 2020 to 03 August 2020, at the FKIP University of Flores Library. The data collected in this study are data related to character education obtained from various writings or sources related to the research title. The data collection method used was document study. Data collection techniques in this study were reading books or references and recording important information or data. The data analysis model used in this research is interactive analysis which consists of four components, namely data collection, data reduction, data display or data presentation and data verification or conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that character education is a process of planting important values to shape the character of students into individuals who have reliable or good characters. Moral knowledge, moral feelings and moral actions must be the basis for character planting activities for elementary school students. The main values that need to be instilled are respect, responsibility, honesty, tolerance, self-discipline,caring for others and democracy
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