This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes by applying the guidance and counseling techniques of eklektif attending. This is classroom action research (CAR). The subjects of this study were students of class X TKR.a SMK Negeri 2 Ende totaling 3 students. The results of the analysis of the personality development of students in the first cycle obtained a value of 47.50 in the poor category. The results of the analysis of the personality development of students in cycle II obtained a score of 74.17 in a fairly good category, with an increase of 26.67 and an average score of 6.83. The teacher's activities in fostering students with attending techniques in the first cycle were quite good, namely 61.67. Meanwhile, the teacher's activities in fostering students by attending eclectic techniques in cycle II obtained a score of 90 in the very good category. Based on the data from the interviews of students who were guided by using the exclusive attending technique in cycle I and cycle II, they were quite active in following the learning process. From the results of the data analysis in cycle I and cycle II, it can be seen that there has been an increasing in the ability of students in solving the problems faced and in learning achievement by using the eklektif attending technique.
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