This study aims to identify and describe: (1) Application of contextual learning models (Contextual Teaching and Learning) in the subject of Economics, OJK Materials and Financial Services Institutions in Class X students at Adhyaksa Ende Private High School, (2) The learning achievements of class X students. Economics subject matter OJK and Financial Services Institutions in Class X students at Adhyaksa End Private High School after applying the contextual learning model (Contextual Teaching and Learning). The type of research used in this research is classroom action research (PTK) which is carried out in 2 cycles. The data collection techniques used were (1) observation, (2) tests and (3) documentation. The subjects of this study were 7 class X students. The research results prove that; (1) The application of the Contextual learning model, in the OJK and Financial Services Institutions Economics learning material for class X students at Adhyaksa Ende Private High School has been implemented properly. The success of the application rate in the first cycle was 64.28% and the second cycle increased to 92.85%, (2) The learning achievement of class X students at Adhyaksa Ende Private High School after the contextual learning model was applied increased. In the first cycle of 7 students who completed 5 people or 71.43% and 2 people did not complete or 28.57% and increased in the second cycle of 7 students 100% complete.
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