The research aims to improve the competence of teachers in arranging academic supervision learning using the method of observation and instruments.
The results of the pre-action analysis showed that 92.86% of Ende 12 SDK teachers in 2018/2019 had not compiled a syllabus and 94.12% RPP. Supervising the cycle of cycle 1, increasing the value with an average syllabus score of 4.75 or 67.86%, and RPP 38. The quality of the syllabus "does not match" 0%; "Good enough" decreased by 55.55%; "Good" increased 44.44%; and "very good" increased by 22.22%. Increased RPP "very good" 44.44%; "Good" 44.44%; "Good enough" 11.11%. In the second cycle, classroom supervision was carried out, the result was that 88.89% of the teachers carried out the learning according to the syllabus and lesson plans.
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