Academic supervision of the principal can be a trigger for teacher morale. This study aims to determine the extent of the steps of the principal's academic supervision in increasing the morale of teachers at SDN Roja 6, Ende Selatan District, Ende Regency. The method used is descriptive explanatory. The results of the researcher's supervision of the subject teachers in grade I; in pre-cycle, the percentage of ability to use learning methods was 1.83, in the first cycle it increased to 2.55 and the second cycle increased to 3.67. The results of the researcher's supervision of Islamic Education Teachers in Class I showed that in the pre-cycle, the percentage of the ability to use learning methods was equal to 2.00, in the first cycle it increased to 2.67 and in the second cycle it increased to 3.67. The results of the supervision of subject teacher researchers to PJOK teachers in Class VI; in the pre-cycle the percentage of the ability to use learning methods was 2.33, in the first cycle it increased to 2.67 and in the second cycle it increased to 3.50
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