Mitra Mahajana: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2025-02-19T14:40:34+07:00 Konstantinus D. P. Meke, S.Pd., M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Mitra Mahajana: Journal of Community Service</strong> is a community service journal managed by the Institute for Research and Community Service at the Universitas Flores. Published three times a year in <strong>November</strong>, <strong>March</strong> and <strong> July</strong>. Online ISSN: 2747-187X; Print ISSN: 2747-1861</p> <p> </p> PENGGUNAAN COPYWRITING UNTUK MARKETPLACE DI UMKM BINAAN RUMAH BUMN ENDE 2025-01-10T14:53:02+07:00 Ferdinandus Lidang Witi Aschari Senjahari Rawe Anastasia Mude <p><em>The need for internet technology in Indonesia has increased significantly, which aligns with the growth of MSMEs. This also happens in the Ende Regency. The development of MSMEs in Ende Regency is rising every year. These MSMEs receive a lot of assistance from several institutions such as the Cooperative and MSME Service, Bank NTT and Rumah BUMN Ende. At Rumah BUMN Ende, training activities are always carried out for MSMEs because the goal of this Rumah BUMN is for MSMEs to go digital and online. The digital platforms used are social media and marketplaces. In the course of using this marketplace, it was found that there was still very little application of storytelling and copywriting to carry out promotions. Copywriting is an important promotion activity. The implementation method of this activity includes the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The implementation stage is divided into 3 parts, namely theory, practice and discussion. These results show that of the 47 participants who attended, 100% already understood copywriting and were ready to apply it to the marketplace they had. Copywriting training held at Rumah BUMN Ende positively impacts participants' ability to market their products digitally. </em></p> 2025-01-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ferdinandus Lidang Witi, Aschari Senjahari Rawe, Anastasia Mude UPAYA KESEHATAN ANAK USIA DINI: PENCEGAHAN STUNTING MELALUI PRAKTIK PHBS TK SANTA MARIA FATIMAH MERAUKE 2025-01-29T23:14:31+07:00 Wa Ode Siti Hamsinah Day Retno Wuri Sulistyowati Diah Harmawati <p><em>The service aims to create a more conducive environment for Kindergarten Santa Maria Fatimah Merauke to implement early childhood health programs and prevent stunting. The methods used through the planning stages include identifying health problems to be addressed, analysing community needs, and formulating specific goals and steps to achieve them. The implementation stages include holding PHBS training for teachers and parents, and health education for children. The evaluation stage involves collecting data on community knowledge, attitudes and behaviour regarding PHBS and health indicators such as children's nutritional status. The results of this PKM activity are a real example of the synergy between academics and the community in creating a healthy and clean environment. Musamus University is committed to continuing to support programs that benefit society, especially in health and education. Conclusion: The Community Partnership Service (PKM) Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) activities carried out at the Santa Maria Fatimah Merauke Kindergarten have achieved their main objective, namely increasing the understanding and practice of PHBS among teachers and students.</em></p> 2025-02-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Wa Ode Siti Hamsinah Day, Retno Wuri Sulistyowati, Diah Harmawati EDUKASI JAJANAN SEHAT DENGAN METODE CERAMAH MENGGUNAKAN PERMAINAN KARTU KUARTET PADA ANAK USIA SEKOLAH DASAR 2025-01-29T14:55:55+07:00 Hanna Sazida Teuku Tahlil Arfiza Ridwan <p><em>The health of primary school-age children is an important component of public health development. In this phase, children are in a critical period of growth and development, as well as at risk of health problems, one of which is due to unhealthy snack consumption behaviour. This community nursing intervention aims to increase knowledge and awareness of healthy snacks among children in one of the elementary schools in Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province. The educational method used lectures and quartet card games adapted to the age of the children. Academic activities were divided into four parts: pre-test, material delivery, quartet card game, and post-test. The evaluation results showed that after the intervention, the proportion of students with high knowledge (80%) was higher than those with medium (20%) and low expertise (0%). Using lecture methods and quartet card games can increase the knowledge and awareness of elementary school students about healthy snacks. Schools, community nurses and other related professionals can consider applying lecture methods and quartet card games to improve students' snacking behaviour at school.</em></p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Hanna Sazida, Teuku Tahlil, Arfiza Ridwan SOSIALISASI KEJAHATAN SIBER DAN PERLINDUNGAN DATA PRIBADI UNTUK MENCEGAH PENIPUAN BERBASIS ONLINE TERHADAP MASYARAKAT 2025-02-10T17:08:10+07:00 Clarissa Elfira Amos Pah Sebastianus Adi Santoso Mola Juan Rizky Mannuel Ledoh Emerensye Sofia Yublina Pandie Adriana Fanggidae Imanuel Raja Giri <p><em>During 2023, criminals carried out thousands of cyber-attack cases that harmed the community economically. Losses due to cybercrime worldwide in 2023 reached US $ 8 trillion and there have been more than 361 million cyber-attacks in Indonesia from January to October 2023 according to data from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency. Activities that are often reported and become the main target of cybercrime are online buying and selling which ranks 1st, followed by scamming, fictitious online investment, online work fraud, online extortion, and web phishing. Seeing the large number of victims caught in cyber-attacks, as a form of contribution to the community in the field of technology, we conducted a socialization of cyber security and privacy protection to increase public sensitivity to the dangers of cyber-attacks and prevention tips. The stages of implementation that have been carried out are visitation and licensing, observation and information gathering, making cooperation agreements, preparation of presentation materials, technical preparation, and implementation of socialization. This socialization has also been covered in the Pos Kupang electronic media and received a positive response from all participants.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Clarissa Elfira Amos Pah, Sebastianus Adi Santoso Mola, Juan Rizky Mannuel Ledoh, Emerensye Sofia Yublina Pandie, Adriana Fanggidae, Imanuel Raja Giri PENGEMBANGAN WEB PROFILE GEREJA SEBAGAI SARANA PELAYANAN KEAGAMAAN DI GMIT EBENHAEZER OEBA 2025-02-14T14:19:50+07:00 Juan R M Ledoh Clarissa Elfira Amos Pah Arfan Y Mauko Adi J Taklal Fajar A R Wangge Oswaldus P Fernando <p><em>Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor (GMIT) Ebenhaezer Oeba Kupang uses information technology to support its business process. Although the church has social media accounts, they do not yet have a web profile that provides comprehensive information about the church. The reason for this is limited manpower. However, having an active web profile is essential for the church to share information and interact with the congregation and the community at large. To address the issue, it is suggested that the web profile of GMIT Ebenhaezer Oeba be revitalized. This revitalization aims to revive the web profile and add features that provide information and announcements to the congregation. This system can be accessed in real-time using a smartphone, laptop, or tablet connected to the internet. Through this system, the church can provide its identity and disseminate information needed by the congregation in a fast and timely manner.</em></p> 2025-02-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Juan R M Ledoh, Clarissa Elfira Amos Pah, Arfan Y Mauko, Adi J Taklal, Fajar A R Wangge, Oswaldus P Fernando KEGIATAN EDUKASI BAGI PETERNAK SAPI SEBAGAI UPAYA PENANGGULANGAN WABAH DI KABUPATEN MERAUKE 2025-02-19T14:40:34+07:00 Apri Irianto Yolanda Gebse Irine Ike Praptiwi Nurcholis Nurcholis Denvy Meidian Daoed Desmina Kristiani Hutabarat Syetiel Maya Salamony Maria Magdalena Nay Nadu Lesik <p><em>Cattle farming in Merauke Regency is still mostly simple, maintained semi-intensively and extensively. Most farmers keep livestock only as savings. Most still depend on nature, especially in the provision of feed, and leave livestock for days in the forest, this will have an impact on the health and productivity of livestock, and this is thought to be one of the causes of the high livestock mortality rate in Merauke Regency by mid-2024. The participation of all parties, including farmers, government and academics, is needed to prevent an increase in mortality due to the outbreak. The exact cause of the massive mortality is not yet known, so educational assistance is required by the community, especially farmers. The method used by the academics, in this case, lecturers and students, is to hold discussions with the farming community in one of the villages that has a large enough cattle population but has not paid attention to maintenance management. The discussion results became a reference for the academic team to develop a socialisation and training programme to solve the problems farmers face. The programme included the distribution of vitamins and dewormers, feed fermentation training, socialisation of manure processing into fertiliser and socialisation of cattle health assessment. The activities were carried out for 6 months, with monitoring and evaluation. The results of this service activity are, that the level of knowledge and understanding of farmers is increasing regarding the need for health care and the application of good management for livestock to increase productivity and reduce the negative impacts that can be caused. Another benefit is the improvement of skills in managing feed ingredients, thus reducing dependence on nature.</em></p> 2025-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Apri Irianto, Yolanda Gebse, Irine Ike Praptiwi, Nurcholis Nurcholis, Denvy Meidian Daoed, Desmina Kristiani Hutabarat, Syetiel Maya Salamony, Maria Magdalena Nay Nadu Lesik PELATIHAN SOFTWARE SIMULASI ELEKTRONIKA TINKERCAD UNTUK GURU FISIKA SMA KOTA SAMARINDA DAN SEKITARNYA 2025-02-19T13:54:59+07:00 Kholis Nurhanafi Ahmad Zarkasi Erlinda Ratnasari Putri Devina Rayzi Perwitasari Sutaji Putri Syahrir Syahrir Auliya Rahmatul Ummah <p><em>School learning demands an optimal learning experience to fulfill the learning outcomes. At the Senior High School level, several science topics, particularly physics, require simulations to enhance students' understanding. A community service initiative was carried out in the form of training on using TinkerCad electronics simulation software for high school physics teachers in Samarinda and its surrounding areas. This activity aimed to provide physics teachers with alternative teaching media, particularly for the topic of electronics at the high school level. The training was attended by 21 participants and conducted using lectures, demonstrations, and mentoring methods. Based on the interview results, the majority of participants were unfamiliar with the TinkerCad software, making this training a valuable new resource for high school physics teachers in Samarinda and the surrounding regions.</em></p> 2025-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Kholis Nurhanafi, Ahmad Zarkasi, Erlinda Ratnasari Putri, Devina Rayzi Perwitasari Sutaji Putri, Syahrir Syahrir, Auliya Rahmatul Ummah OPTIMALISASI PENGELOLAAN BUMDES MELALUI PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN MODERN DAN INOVASI BERKELANJUTAN DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN EKONOMI DESA 2025-01-29T22:03:21+07:00 Hyronimus Se lmaculata Fatima Mohamad Choiry Rodja <p><em>This research examined optimising the management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) through modern management practices and sustainable innovation in developing the rural economy in Watusipi Village, North Ende District, Ende Regency. The activity was carried out as community service. It was attended by 43 participants, consisting of lecturers, students, village government representatives, BUMDes managers, and village communities, including community leaders, youth, and women members of village business groups. The findings of this study highlight the importance of collaborative efforts between village governments, BUMDes managers, and communities in achieving sustainable development goals. Integrating technology and innovative business practices will revive its business, including savings and loans, payment services, and virgin coconut oil management, which has not been running optimally. The study results show a need for significant restructuring of BUMDes through its adaptability in modern BUMDes operations to effectively contribute to improving the welfare of the village community and the economic resilience of Watusipi village.</em></p> 2025-03-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Hyronimus Se, lmaculata Fatima, Mohamad Choiry Rodja PENDAMPINGAN PROJECT REAL KEWIRAUSAHAAN SINGKONG CIMANGGU DI SMK NEGERI 1 BORONG 2025-01-29T22:23:43+07:00 Nicolaus Noywuli Marten Umbu Kaleka Elfridus Andi Loke Nono Umbu A Hamakonda Victoria Coo Lea <p><em>Vocational High School (SMK) is a vocational education institution that focuses on mastering the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed in the industrial and entrepreneurial worlds. This community service activity is carried out for one year per the cooperation contract, including planning and making guidelines for two months, cultivating mentoring activities for nine months, and evaluating activity implementation for one month. The cassava entrepreneurship project cultivation mentoring activities on the SMKN 1 Borong land went well, accompanied by the involvement of the team and teachers and the government represented by the SMA/K supervisor coordinator of East Manggarai Regency. The implementation of the entrepreneurship project at SMKN 1 Borong has followed the guidelines that the team has made from the Flores Bajawa Agricultural College. </em></p> 2025-03-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nicolaus Noywuli, Marten Umbu Kaleka, Elfridus Andi Loke Nono, Umbu A Hamakonda, Victoria Coo Lea