Implementasi Pendidikan Nilai Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Di Sekolah Dasar


  • Agnes Remi Rando Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, FKIP, Universitas Flores
  • Marselina Wali Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, FKIP, Universitas Flores



The aim of the writing is to review the values in learning IPS at elementary school. IPS education is a simplification of social knowledge and humanities, and human activities which is organized and reviewed in scientific and pedagogical/psychology context for educational goals. The objectives of IPS at elementary school are a) to equip students with social knowledge that’s useful in society, b) to equip students with the ability to identify, analyze and develop an alternative social problem solving happened in society, c) to equip student with the ability to communicate in social communities and various areas of scientific and those areas of expertise, d) to equip students with the consciousness, a positive mental attitude and skills toward the utilization of the environment as a part of life, e) to equip students with the ability to develop the knowledge and IPS in accordance with society development, science and technology. Values is expected  to exist within the community vary greatly according to the diversity, community groups and the value that exist within the community can only contains a good value and can also be value is not good. In the education value, we wanted the emergences of awareness in the implementation of the positive values and keep the negative values.


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learning IPS, values of education


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