Evaluasi Kinerja Bundaran Simpang Lima Kabupaten Ende
In high traffic flows and congestion at intersections, the roundabout is easily blocked, which may cause
capacity to be disrupted in all directions. This research study determines the performance of the Ende
Regency Intersection five roundabout in current traffic conditions in terms of the level of traffic service, as
well as providing solutions to existing problems at the roundabout which are then used as a basis for
determining the actions that need to be taken for existing problems. From the research results, it was found
that the roundabout capacity (C) = 32.67, degree of saturation (DS) = 0.67, delay (DT) = 4.04, queuing
opportunity (QPR) = 11.836, travel speed (VO) 30.00, Travel time for the single-line section (TT) = 7.07,
which means that the traffic volume at the Simpang Lima roundabout is still tolerable.
Roundabouts, Interlacing, Delays, Capacity, Degree of SaturationReferences
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