The research describes the students' creative thinking ability in solving open-ended questions based on mathematics ability. Indicators of the ability to think creatively used in this study are fluency, flexibility, and novelty. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects in this study were eighth-grade students of Baitul Fattah Junior High School, Sambikerep, Surabaya, 2019/2020 school year. The instruments used were the mathematics ability test, creative thinking ability test, and interview. The sum of the subjects who do the mathematics ability test is 30 students, the researcher chooses six students for the creative thinking test. Of the six students, three students were select to be an interview. There are five levels of TKBK (Creative Thinking Ability Level), namely fourth level (very creative), third level (creative), second level (quite creatives), first-level (less creative), and level 0 (not creatives). Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that subjects with high ability have TKBK at the third level, namely creative with the acquisition of a score of four. Subjects with moderate ability have TKBK at the fourth level, namely highly creative with the acquisition of a score of thirty-six. While subjects with low ability have TKBK at the first level, namely are less creative with the acquisition of a score of thirteen.
creative thinking, mathematical ability, open-ended questionsReferences
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