Destructive fishing has the potential to reduce the sustainability of marine resources and the productivity of marine products which will have an impact on the welfare of fishermen. Various motives for destructive fishing include economic, social, cultural motives, and even ignorance that this action is against the law. Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong carries out community service as an effort to provide understanding regarding environmentally friendly fisheries through lectures and the practice of making environmentally friendly fishing gear. The activity lasted for 2 days, attended by 20 fishermen target partners of Saoka Village. The results of the practice in the form of environmentally friendly fishing gear are handed over to target partners for use in fishing operations.
Fishing gear, Community service, Fishing, Environmentally FriendlyReferences
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 Mustasim Mustasim, Endang Gunaisah Mustasim, Muhammad Ali Ulat Mustasim, Handayani Mustasim, Ismail Mustasim, Amir M Suruwaky Mustasim, Misbah Sururi Mustasim, Vicky Rizky Affandy Katili Mustasim, Hendra Poltak Mustasim

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