Pengaruh Sosialisasi Layanan Mobile Banking dan Persepsi Nasabah Terhadap Kepercayaan Nasabah Bank NTT Cabang Ende
The purpose of this study is to describe (1) the effect of the socialization of the Mobile banking service (m-banking) on ??the trust of Bank NTT Customers in the Ende Branch; (2) the effect of customer perceptions on the trust of NTT Bank Ende Branch Customers; (3) the effect of the socialization of the Mobile banking service (m-banking) and the customer's perception of the trust of the Customers of the NTT Bank Ende Branch. This research is a quantitative study with primary data obtained using a questionnaire technique. Bank NTT Ende Branch customers of the Ende Regency Government ASN profession category as the study population. The research sample uses a simple random sampling technique with accidental sampling approach. The results of the partial test analysis (t test) the effect of sosilaisasi m-banking services on trust shows sig. > 0.05. Partial test (t test) the effect of customer perception on the trust of customers of the Ende Bank NTT branch shows sig. > 0.05. Simultaneous test (f test) of M-banking service socialization, customers' perceptions of the trust of Bank NTT customers in the Ende Branch showed sig> 0.05. The results of the analysis concluded the service socialization variable, and customer perceptions did not significantly influence trust. Thus the hypothesis proposed "not accepted".
socialization of m-banking services, perceptionReferences
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